Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Modern Day Slavery A Problem That Can t Be Ignored
Modern-day slavery: A problem that can’t be ignored. Child slavery ages starts at the age of four years old boys and girls. Most kids are released around the age of sixteen years old but don t know where their parents are. The kids suffer from starvation at the camps they’re housed in. They also have to get up as early as five o’clock in the morning to start their day. One of the dominant issues containing child slavery is poverty. Several parents sell their children because of their financial problems in the household. Although some parents are convinced by contractors that their children are being presented with better opportunities, that is not always the situation. Child slavery can have different negative developmental†¦show more content†¦The authors also states that children often receive no safety training or protective gear, which results in injury and sickness, including musculoskeletal disorders, sprains, strains, lacerations, fractures, e ye injuries, rashes, and coughing (Mull and Kirkhorn). For children working in the gold mining industry in Western Africa, they are among the worst forms of child labor because of the long-term health consequences from constant exposure to dust, toxic chemicals, and heavy manual labor. A PBS news article states, â€Å" The list of documented ills for child labor in Western Africa includes permanent lung damage caused by inhaling pulverized minerals, muscular and skeletal injuries, hearing loss, accidental blinding, and mercury poisoning with its attendant neurological damage (PBS News). In western Africa while the children are at their work base there’s a possibility of catching permanent lung cancer from inhaling in pulverized minerals. Children health can’t be ignored any longer than it already has been. The next major problem is the physical and psychological effects the children have. Physical injuries and mutilations are caused by badly maintained machinery on farms and in factories, machete accidents in pla ntations, and any number of hazards encountered in industries such as mining, ceramics, fireworks and manufactures. Child slavery they all generally accept that the work for children might harm them in some way and
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay about Comparison of Plato and Aristotle’s Philosophies
Antonio Burkes Philosophy 1 June 4, 2001 Comparison of Plato and Aristotle’s Philosophies Plato and Aristotle are both great philosophers in their own regard. Both agree that the world has a purpose, and that it’s not just an accident. Both also hate materialists since in their (materialists’) interpretation of the world, value, choice, and freedom are not plausible outcomes, and so morality and rationality do not make sense. And both ask the same question, what does it take to be a good, moral person? Yet, even though Aristotle was a student of Plato, each philosopher develops his own view on things and a specific way of solving a particular problem. For example, Plato and Aristotle have quite different views regarding life.†¦show more content†¦He believes language is capable of expressing the truth of things, since that truth concerns the sensible world, and our view of it (the world) begins with our senses, hearing, touching, seeing, etc. Although the senses themselves are not sufficient to lead to knowledge, they are the only reliable entities through which we can pursue it. The two philosophers also differ on what human nature is. Plato is convinced that the real person is the soul, not the body. Souls that inhabit our bodies are there, but are not dependent on us for their existence. They have knowledge of the Forms before we are even born and by being virtuous we can enjoy unity with the Forms after death. Aristotle’s main theme on humans is simple man is a rational animal. There is no separate soul from man; a person has a soul that is special, but a person is still one unified creature. Plato seems to be very concerned about relativism and skepticism and devotes a lot of writing to proving those beliefs wrong. He thinks that skepticism and relativism killed Socrates, not the members of the Athenian jury. The views they have come to hold that every opinion is as good as another’s, and that if one thinks something is good for them really is good for them makes the case of Athens thinking it is right to condemn Socrates right for Athens. Plato knows condemning Socrates is wrong; so he knows that there must be standards that are more conventional. The Forms,Show MoreRelatedAristotle: The Pursuit of Happiness1358 Words  | 6 PagesAristotle and Plato both are both well known for their focus on defining the purpose of being human. To them, humans have a particular characteristic that no other living thing possesses. That characteristic is that humans strive to achieve a level of goodness. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Influence of Online Social Networks †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Influence of Online Social Networks. Answer: Introduction UNICEF Child Care is an organization that provides caring and supervision services to children of ages between six and thirteen. For enrolling in their services, the parents of the children need to register their names in the company office and make payments for bearing the expenses of food, toys and residence of their children (Zaglia et al. 2015). However, UNICEF has noticed that this process has a number of issues and problems that is affecting the entire business structure of the company. While some issues are due to manual processing, others are mainly due to lack of proper operation structure that need to be addressed. UNICEF has proposed the development of a new information system including a company business portal that will be able to solve the identified problems at once. The development of the proposed system will require a particular development method that should include a well defined development life cycle. Some of the possible systems development methods include agile, waterfall or prototyping. Analysing the requirement of this system, the best method for the development will be Prototyping. The systems development life cycle will be as follows. Initiation In this phase of the life cycle, the development of the prototype will be initiated. This phase includes preparation of requirement document, collection of resources, planning and others. Prototyping This is the main phase of the development life cycle that can be repeated more than once unless the desired outcome is reached (Bimonte et al. 2017). This phase contains a number of sub-phases including requirement gathering, developing and testing. Production Finally, in this phase, the complete version is developed from the prototype and delivered to the project client. Among all the different development methodologies, prototyping method has been chosen because in this project, the prototype of the system will be first developed and tested. Based on the test results and completion of the entire prototype, the full version will be developed and handed over to UNICEF. Systems Requirements Business Portal A business portal is required where the clients of the organization i.e. the parents of the children will be able to create personal profiles through which they will be able to perform business interactions with UNICEF (Fan and Yang 2015). For instance, while making payments for their children, they will have an online payment option in the portal. Through this gateway, they will be able to pay UNICEF for bearing the costs of their children. Automated Supply Order The business portal of the company will have to option to place orders for supplies once in a while. As per the proposed plan, at the end of a period of 7 days, the number of new requests will be counted and order will be placed automatically by the system. Payment Gateway Client Generally, payment gateways are provided by different organizations for safe transfer of money from the sender to the recipient (Sugianto and Tojib 2015). For the business portal of UNICEF, a suitable client will be needed who will provide a secure payment gateway. Accessibility Requirement The portal should be developed such that it will be accessible through different web browsers and devices. Project Cost Benefit Analysis Project cost benefit analysis is done in order to estimate a possible range of profit to be gained from the project as well as the percentage of benefit gained from these profits in terms of the expenses faced in the course of the project. Gantt chart is an important tool in determining the schedule of a project based on the requirements. On the other hand, a work breakdown structure is generally utilized to break down the work packages for simplifying the overall phases of the project. A work breakdown structure of a project is generally developed from the list of deliverables and it also links various work packages that lie under the same project phase. A work breakdown structure can also be used to develop the Gantt chart for determining an estimated timeline for the project. Task Name Duration Start Finish Development of Online Business Portal for UNICEF 72 days Mon 6/4/18 Tue 9/11/18 Project Starting 5 days Mon 6/4/18 Fri 6/8/18 Issues Identification and Analysis 1 day Mon 6/4/18 Mon 6/4/18 Discussion and Group Meeting 1 day Tue 6/5/18 Tue 6/5/18 Agreement on a Solution 1 day Wed 6/6/18 Wed 6/6/18 Decide on the Development of New System 1 day Thu 6/7/18 Thu 6/7/18 Approval of Project 1 day Fri 6/8/18 Fri 6/8/18 Project Planning 9 days Mon 6/11/18 Thu 6/21/18 Scope Determination during Project 2 days Mon 6/11/18 Tue 6/12/18 Development of Project Plan Document 1 day Wed 6/13/18 Wed 6/13/18 Create Project Schedule Using Gantt Chart 1 day Thu 6/14/18 Thu 6/14/18 Estimate Budget 1 day Fri 6/15/18 Fri 6/15/18 Finalize Budget 1 day Mon 6/18/18 Mon 6/18/18 Procure Budget and Resources 1 day Tue 6/19/18 Tue 6/19/18 Duty Allocation to Stakeholders 1 day Wed 6/20/18 Wed 6/20/18 Go Ahead for Project 1 day Thu 6/21/18 Thu 6/21/18 Project Execution Phase 49 days Fri 6/22/18 Wed 8/29/18 Recruit Team 2 days Fri 6/22/18 Mon 6/25/18 Create System Prototype 8 days Tue 6/26/18 Thu 7/5/18 Add System Features 7 days Fri 7/6/18 Mon 7/16/18 Test the Prototype 2 days Tue 7/17/18 Wed 7/18/18 Develop Full Version 10 days Thu 7/19/18 Wed 8/1/18 Add Coding and Programming 4 days Thu 8/2/18 Tue 8/7/18 Test the System 5 days Wed 8/8/18 Tue 8/14/18 Risk Assessment 5 days Wed 8/15/18 Tue 8/21/18 Risk Management 5 days Wed 8/22/18 Tue 8/28/18 Project Handover 1 day Wed 8/29/18 Wed 8/29/18 Project Closing Phase 9 days Thu 8/30/18 Tue 9/11/18 Post Project Appraisal 5 days Thu 8/30/18 Wed 9/5/18 Completion of System Development Document 2 days Thu 9/6/18 Fri 9/7/18 Sign Off from Stakeholders 1 day Mon 9/10/18 Mon 9/10/18 Closing 1 day Tue 9/11/18 Tue 9/11/18 Table 2: Project Schedule System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques In order to determine the stakeholders of the project, the following table has been developed. Stakeholder Role / Responsibility Project Manager Control and management of the project Finance Manager Control and management of the funds IT Manager Management of IT setup of the organization Systems Developer Development of the Business Portal Tester Testing of the Prototype and Full Version Resource Manager Procurement of necessary resources System investigation techniques will be deployed in order to identify faults and errors in the existing system and address them in due course. Some of the investigation techniques to be deployed in this project are as follows. Survey (Online or Paper Questionnaires) This method can be utilized to gain user feedbacks regarding the use of the system. In these questionnaires, there will be a series of questions with a fixed set of answers that will be chosen by the participants. Personal Interview This is another efficient investigation method and it provides a better dataset as there are no limited sets of answers (Joslin and Mller 2015). The participants can provide any feedback to the interviewer regarding the working of the system. Document Analysis This process is done by studying the system details document developed throughout the course of the project. This document can provide some necessary data sets regarding faults and errors in the system. In this project, I have gathered significant amount of knowledge regarding system design and development. I also learnt to plan a project as well as develop suitable parameters of the project like project schedule and cost benefit analysis. Finally, I learnt the use of work breakdown structure as a tool for determining and linking various work packages in the project. This report is finally concluded by stating that a suitable project plan has been developed for the project based on the feasibility limits of time and budget. A systems development methodology has also been chosen for the development of the system proposed by UNICEF. References Bimonte, S., Sautot, L., Journaux, L. and Faivre, B., 2017. Multidimensional model design using data mining: A rapid prototyping methodology.International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM),13(1), pp.1-35. el Khaldi, F., Ahouangonou, C., Niess, M. and David, O., 2016. Cloud based hpc for innovative virtual prototyping methodology: Automotive applications.Transportation Research Procedia,14, pp.993-1002. Fan, J. and Yang, W., 2015. Study on e-government services quality: The integration of online and offline services.Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management,8(3), p.693. Joslin, R. and Mller, R., 2015. Relationships between a project management methodology and project success in different project governance contexts.International Journal of Project Management,33(6),pp.1377-1392. Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Mancuso, V., Vitale, C., Gupta, R., Rathi, K. and Morelli, A., 2014. A prototyping methodology for SDN-controlled LTE using SDR. Prashar, S., Vijay, T.S. and Parsad, C., 2015. Antecedents to online shopping: Factors influencing the selection of web portal.International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR),11(1), pp.35-55. Sautot, L., Bimonte, S., Journaux, L. and Faivre, B., 2014, September. A methodology and tool for rapid prototyping of data warehouses using data mining: Application to birds biodiversity. InInternational Conference on Model and Data Engineering(pp. 250-257). Springer, Cham. Sugianto, L.F. and Tojib, D.R., 2015. Modelling user satisfaction with an employee portal.International Journal of Business and Information,1(2). Svejvig, P. and Andersen, P., 2015. Rethinking project management: A structured literature review with a critical look at the brave new world.International Journal of Project Management,33(2), pp.278-290. Turner, R., 2016.Gower handbook of project management. Routledge. Zaglia, M.E., Waiguny, M.K., Abfalter, D. and Mller, J., 2015. The influence of online social networks on performance of small and medium enterprises: An empirical investigation of the online business to business network XING.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing,7(1), pp.1-23.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
No Oyes Ladrar Los Perro Essays - Hombre Tenas Que Ser,
No Oyes Ladrar Los Perro Farnaz Falsafi Espa?ol 312 18/09/00 ?No oyes ladrar los perros? Hay muchas maneras y t?cticas en revelar al lector lo que quiere decir el autor. En el cuento ?No oyes ladrar los perros? de Juan Rulfo, se puede ver que la estructura de los personajes, y tambi?n la estructura social, tienen una gran importancia sobre el desarrollo de los temas principales. La estructura de los personajes que Rulfo pint? tiene bastante importancia. El car?cter principal, el padre, ilustra la relaci?n entre padre e hijo. El padre en el cuento no tiene nombre. Pero tambi?n, su car?cter no necesita un nombre porque todos saben c?mo es un ?padre.? Eso significa que ?l tiene autoridad y m?s a?os. El nombre ?padre? da un sentido de intimidad y familiaridad entre ?l y su hijo. El padre es un hombre viejo y no se siente bien por cuidar a su hijo. ?l est? cansado de llevar su hijo en sus hombros pero no puede hacer nada por su propio porque el hijo necesita un doctor. Eso muestra los sacrificios que un padre hace por su hijo. El padre cuida a su hijo s?lo por el amor que siente por su difunta esposa. ?Todo esto que hago, no lo hago por usted. Lo hago por su difunta madre. Porque usted fue su hijo? (160). El lector puede ver el cambio a la forma de ?usted?. Esta cambio demuestra el odio que se siente el padre a su hijo por las cosas malas que ?l hizo. Es ir?nico porque normalmente, se usa ?usted? para dar respecto a alguien. El padre est? siendo sarc?stico porque obviamente no respecta a su hijo malo. Rulfo da la idea que el padre todav?a quiere a su hijo aunque es tan malo. Parece que le da lastima al padre que su hijo viv?a del robo y mata a gente inocente, pero todav?a lo quiere. Es su hijo, parte de su alma y ser que solo un padre puede sentir tanto por su hijo a pesar de todo lo que ?l hizo. El hijo del padre, Ignacio, tiene un car?cter muy maldecido. ?l anda por las calles y, para sobrevivir, roba y mata a la gente inocente. ?l est? enfermo y herido, probablemente por andar luchando con otros en la calle. Ignacio y su padre tienen una relaci?n bastante complicada. En el cuento, Ignacio est? sentado en los hombros de su padre. Su posici?n sobre el padre representa que Ignacio es una carga para su padre. Hay unos otros personajes en el cuento de importancia. El car?cter menor de la madre difunta, aunque no est? viva en el cuento, tiene un papel significativo. Ella provee el elemento unificador entre el padre y su hijo. El padre ama a su esposa, y porque Ignacio es hijo de ella, ?l se siente responsable para el bienestar de Ignacio. ?Ella me reconvendr?a si yo lo hubiera dejado tirado all?, donde lo encontr?, y no lo hubiera recogido para llevarlo a que lo curen, como estoy haciendo? (160). Otro car?cter, Tranquilino, tiene un nombre significante. ?Tranquilo? significa algo pac?fico o calma. Su nombre es como una iron?a contra Ignacio. Ignacio mat? a Tranquilino, un amigo de su padre que tambi?n bautiz? a Ignacio y le dio su nombre. La iron?a es en que Ignacio mat? a una persona que era tan simp?tico y unido con el padre. El autor usa ?sta nombre para destacar y exagerar la malevolencia de Ignacio. El ultimo car?cter importante tambi?n no aparece f?sicamente en el cuento. Eso son los perros. Aunque los perros no son personajes, simbolizan unos de los temas del cuento. Los perros representan una meta que el padre est? tratando de alcanzar. Para ellos, o?r los perros es igual a la libertad. Se puede o?r la desesperaci?n en la voz del padre cuando no oye ladrar los perros. ?T? que vas all? arriba, Ignacio, d?me si no oyes alguna se?al de algo... Ya debemos estar cerca... Mira bien... ?Me o?ste Ignacio? Te digo que no veo bien? (158, 160). Al fin del cuento tambi?n, los perros distingu?an entre el bueno y el malo. El padre, que es una persona buena y trabajador, oye los perros. Pero Ignacio, un chico rabioso
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