Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Different Types of Business
1. Sole trader – the oldest form of trading there is, it’s also the simplest and the most common type of business you’ll find. The clue is in the name – meaning that you are solely responsible for everything the business does and you’re often known as the proprietor. This is the usual form for small shops and businesses that provide services such as beauticians, hairdressers, photographers, gardeners and so on. When you start out in business, most often you use your own money to fund the venture. However, as you start to grow, you may need to find funding elsewhere. When this happens you may want or need to enter into another kind of business model: 2. Partnership – these are made up of two or more people and any profits, debts and decisions related to the business are a shared responsibility. These are common for practices that offer services such as accountants, dentists, doctors, solicitors and so on. 3. Company – the correct name for this is a joint stock company and it’s made up of a number of people who put their money together to form a ‘joint stock’ of capital. These people are more commonly known as shareholders and, as the name suggests, they each own a share of the business and each expect a share of the profits too. Each shareholder puts money into the company and receives a portion of the company – shares – equivalent to what they put in. Despite each shareholder owning a piece of the company, in law it is seen as a legal entity – the same as an individual – that is entirely separate from the shareholders or members, as they are sometimes known. It can be sued, make a profit or loss, be held responsible for its employees’ actions and go into liquidation – the term used for companies that go bankrupt. Private Limited Companies Most small businesses are private limited companies with the shares only available privately, for example, to family members. The shares are not available to buy publically so they cannot be traded on the stock market. Public Limited Companies Being a Public Limited Company (PLC) is much more complex and is usually reserved for larger companies. To be called a PLC a company must have, amongst other things, more than one director and a trading certificate from Companies House. PLCs can sell their shares on the stock market so anyone can buy them. Whilst it is easier to raise money using this method it also means that the company accounts are in the public domain. The company must also be audited and make certain information available to Companies House. Plus, PLCs can be bought out by other shareholders. 4. Franchises A franchise involves you using another company’s successful business model to create your own shop, restaurant etc. Essentially, you buy the franchise and trade off the good name of the company you’ve bought into. For example Subway – you’d find a suitable location, Subway would provide you with their livery, food products and use of trademark. You make money because customers are already familiar with Subway; so you have an instant customer base. Franchises are for a fixed period of time – from five to 35 years – and cover a certain location known as a ‘territory’. You’ll have to pay fees to the franchisor: royalties for using the trademark ees for the training and advice received There are specific and complex laws relating to franchise contracts so entering into one is something that needs to be thought about very carefully. 5. Workers Co-operatives This is a truly egalitarian form of business that is formed to meet the mutual needs of the workers. Each person – from the managing director to the shop floor assistant – is equal ly important. All decisions are taken democratically and any profits are shared equally or ploughed back into the business. Co-operatives follow seven guiding principles: Voluntary and open membership Democratic control Member economic participation (financial interest) Autonomy and independence Education, training and information Co-operation among co-operatives Concern for the community http://www. ica. coop/coop/principles. html This should give you a pretty good idea of the ethical and moral stance of a co-operative. 6. Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) LLPs are a relatively new form of business as they’ve only been around since 2001. They are intended to benefit professional partnerships such as lawyers, accountants and the like, who are restricted from forming limited companies due to restrictions from their professional bodies. LLPs operate in much the same way as limited partnerships and allow the members to limit their personal liability if something goes wrong with the business. So, as you can see, businesses can be simple or complex but, once you know what all the terminology means, you should find it quite easy to decide which kind of business structure will best suit your needs.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Role of Leadership in Emplyee Performance
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Volvo. 2 NO. 5; August 2012 Impact of Leadership Development on Employees' Performance (Case Study: Employees of Customs Headquarters) DRP. Java Merriam Department of Public Management, Gavin Branch Islamic Cad University, Gavin, Iran DRP.Mohammad Their Organization Department of Management, Borderer Branch Islamic Cad University, Borderer , Iran Shirring Ensnare Department of Management, Borderer Branch Islamic Cad University, Borderer, Iran Baton Samuelsson Postgraduate of Business Management Panama- Mourn university, Tehran Share Ray unit and Educational Services Expert in university of Safaris, Iran Abstract Objective: The present survey has been conducted to study the â€Å"role of leadership development on employees' performance in Customs headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran†.Methodology: Descriptive-correlation method was used in this survey and the statistical population included employees of Customs headquarters equal to six-hundred seventy eight (678) persons. Sample volume was selected through random class sampling method that was equal to two-hundred fifty (250) persons. Questionnaire was used to collect the required data and data analysis was accomplished using Inferential statistics tests such as Pierson correlation coefficient and step by step regression analysis in addition to descriptive statistics Indexes such as mean and standard deviation.Findings: Findings reveal that there Is a significant and positive relationship among leadership development and Its dimensions with employees' performance. Conclusion: It Is concluded that authorization, education and development and empowerment have the highest impact on employees performance respectively. Key words: leadership development, coaching, education and development, empowerment, participation in decision-making, authorization, performance Introduction Leadership Is a mysterious process that has been considered similarl y by common people, scientists and researchers since the far past.It Is one of the major five tasks of managers In some guidance texts. Leadership meaner art of Influencing the subordinates so that they conduct pre-determined castles In the framework of certain purposes voluntarily and eagerly (Swahili Shrine, 1995: 15-19). It seems that human relations, his action would be led to satisfaction and improvement of employees' performance automatically. Today governmental and private organizations intend to enhance their service quality and this won't be fulfilled unless with a good management, suitable leadership and moving towards knowledge and technology advancement (Regain, 2005: 230-247). 54 O Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA www. Cabinet. Com As utilizing employees' abilities is not possible without effective leadership existence of leadership as the driving factor in employees' motivation, creating perspectives, enhancing employees' capability, education and development of the org anizational roses and compiling purposes and programs are very important to obtain organizational objectives (Moravia, 2009).Major task of Customs as one of the governmental organizations is to control imports and exports legally in order to get duties, preventing to import non-standard and unhygienic products, regulating importation and exportation of some products to regulate the internal market and etc.Violating the above cases would be led to social and cultural abnormalities in addition to their harmful impacts on the internal production and economic stagnation through changing the culture and taste of consumers towards nonstandard and smuggled products and creates disorientation in the economic system by dominance of foreign manufacturers on the internal markets and increases unemployment and the related problems.Since accurate and effective implementation of Customs' regulations and avoiding the above problems has a direct relationship with Customs' leadership and performance of its employees as economic frontiers of the country it is intended in the present survey to answer the following questions given to the above issues. Is there any relationship between leadership development and employees' performance in Customs headquarters in Iran? Is there any relationship among leadership development dimensions and employees' performance? Which dimension of leadership development has the highest impact on employees' performance?Research literature Leadership Leadership is the ability to encourage others to try eagerly in order to obtain certain purposes (Davis, 2010: 423). It is a process in which management of the organization tries to facilitate his tasks to fulfill organizational purposes by creating motivation and an effective relation and encourages employees to conduct their tasks eagerly and enthusiastically (Alvin, 1996: 137-138). Leadership development: past, present and future Leadership development is enhancement of abilities and creating perspectiv e for motivating and directing of individuals towards determined purposes.It includes components such as education and development, participation of individuals in decision-making, coaching, Job empowerment and authorization (Lowlier, Gold Smith & Karate, 2005). Leadership development has obtained achievements in two previous decades among which we can refer increasing of management development methods and coordination among the management and ore popular increasingly and causes more studies to be focused on leadership competencies and problems regarding non-coordination in working affairs and life (Werner-Brome & Hughes, 2009).Leadership development at work environment Nowadays innovators represent skills and techniques regarding leadership development through methods such as educational programs and coaching and apply them in real issues. People could obtain important skills by combining such directions and real commercial conditions and thus it is possible for organizations to fi nd important, synchronous and related issues and deal with them. Finally purpose of leadership development includes action not knowledge.Therefore, leadership development at present meaner providing learning opportunities for people through work not keeping them aloof from the work environment and obliging them to learning. Moreover, the best experience of organizations is to find out the leadership role as a key factor in all Job levels and that they are committed to create effective leaders across their organizations. Developing more individual and better leaders is not the only focusing point of leadership development although this issue is still very important.Leadership is increasingly defined in a way that it is not Just related to leader's acts rather it is a process which creates a new generation of leaders and effective relations that their focus is on leaders and colleagues' interaction (La]Verdi, 2011). Organizational performance Organizational performance is obtaining or ganizational and social purposes or going beyond them and conducting responsibilities undertaken by people (Heresy and Blanchard, 1996: 504). 55 Research hypotheses Primary hypothesis There is a relationship between leadership development and employees' performance. Secondary hypotheses 1- There is a allegations between coaching and employees' performance. 2- There is a relationship between education and development and employees' performance. 3- There is a relationship between empowerment and employees' performance. 4- There is a relationship between participation in decision-making and employees' performance. 5- There is a relationship between authorization and employees' performance.Conceptual model of the survey In this survey leadership development and its dimensions (coaching, education and development, empowerment, participation in decision-making and authorization) are regarded as independent rabbles and performance is regarded as dependent variable. Leadership development C oaching Performance Education and development Participation in decision-making Authorization Research methodology The present survey was conducted using descriptive- correlation method. Statistical population included employees of Customs headquarters in 2011.Volume of the statistical population was equal to 678 persons among which 386 persons were male and 292 persons were female. Sample volume was determined equal to 250 persons using Creakier and Morgan table and relative class sampling method was used. Therefore, portion of each class (male and female employees) was first calculated in the statistical population and the same ratio was observed in the sample too. Statistical sample of employees contains 142 males and 108 females by gender separation.Two researcher self-made questionnaires were used for leadership development and performance to collect the required data. Although these questionnaires were standard and normalized, views of advisor and guiding professors were review ed to determine validity of the questionnaires. Cockroach alpha coefficients of leadership development and employees' performance questionnaires ware equal to 0. 89 and 0. 86 respectively which illustrated high reliability of both questionnaires. Results were analyzed through SPAS software.Analyzing results As variables under study follow normal distribution Pierson correlation coefficient is used in this survey to study the relationship among variables. Secondary hypotheses Hypothesis 1: HO: there is no positive relationship between coaching and employees' performance. HI : there is a positive relationship between coaching and employees' performance. 156 Table 1- Pierson correlation coefficient between coaching and employees' reference Correlation between coaching and employees' performance Pierson correlation coefficient (r) +0. 76 Number (N) 250 Significance level (P) P;O. OOI Result Significantpositive Given to results of table (1) because the calculated amount for Pierson corre lation coefficient is significant at level a = 0. 01 it is inferred that hypothesis HO regarding nonexistence of relation is rejected by 99% confidence and hypothesis HI regarding existence of relation between the two variables is confirmed. Hypothesis 2: HO: there is no positive relationship between education and development and employees' performance.HI: there is a positive relationship between education and development and employees' performance. Table 2- Pierson correlation coefficient between education and development and employees' performance Correlation between education and development and employees' performance Pierson Given to results of table (2) because the calculated amount for Pierson correlation existence of relation between the two variables is confirmed. Hypothesis 3: HO: there is no positive relationship between empowerment and employees' performance.HI : there is a positive relationship between empowerment and employees' performance. Table 3- Pierson correla tion coefficient between empowerment and employees' performance Correlation between empowerment and employees' performance Pierson correlation coefficient (r) +0. 469 Number (N) 250 Significance level (P) P
Monday, July 29, 2019
Starbucks Delivering Customer Service
Lifetime Value For Unsatisfied, Satisfied And Highly Satisfied Customers The story of Starbucks transformation from a small independent coffee shop tucked away in a corner of Seattle’s Pike Place Market to a cultural phenomenon spanning the globe is legendary. A number of factors have been attributed to the success – one being a keen understanding of its patrons. There are multiple methods used to obtain customer information and the value derived therein. Customer lifetime value is one. Customers are assets, and their values grow and decline.Segmenting customers based on their lifetime value is a powerful way to target them because marketing mix activities can then aim at enhancing customer value. (Ho, 2006) Roughly translated, customer lifetime value is the projected profits that a customer will generate during their lifetime. We used the case data to segment Starbucks customers into three distinct categories of unsatisfied, satisfied and highly satisfied. Fortunately, the case provided some useful data to make our initial assumptions about the stream of expected revenues from each category.Exhibit 9 UnsatisfiedSatisfiedHighly Satisfied Number of Starbucks Visits/Month3. 904. 307. 20 Average Ticket Size/Visit$3. 88$4. 06$4. 42 Average Customer Life (Years)1. 104. 408. 30 The data allowed us to calculate the annual expected revenues by taking 12, the number of months in a year, times the product of each component given in Exhibit 9 for each category of customer. UnsatisfiedSatisfiedHighly Satisfied Expected Lifetime Future Revenue$ 199. 74$ 921. 78$ 3,169. 67To derive the CLV it is necessary to determine the profits. This requires taking costs against the expected future revenues. The expected costs are typically any amount incurred from attracting, selling and servicing customers. The best representative cost of servicing the customer from the given data was the gross margin from Starbucks financial statements. After all, this number reflects the true costs incurred in servicing each customer, while leaving out extraneous expenses such as depreciation and other corporate overhead that have little relation.FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 Average Net Revenue1,308,700,0001,686,800,0002,177,600,0002,649,000,0003,288,900,0002,222,200,000 Gross Profit730,200,000939,200,0001,215,700,0001,536,200,0001,938,900,0001,272,040,000 Operating Profit109,200,000156,700,000212,300,000281,100,000310,000,000213,860,000 Net Income68,400,000101,700,00094,500,000181,200,000215,100,000132,180,000 Gross Profit Margin55. 80%55. 68%55. 83%57. 99%58. 95%56. 85% Operating Profit Margin8. 34%9. 29%9. 75%10. 61%9. 43%9. 48% Net Profit Margin5. 23%6. 03%4. 34%6. 84%6. 54%5. 0% The average of the five years of financial statement data was used for the margin to take against revenue. The figures below represent the CLV for each category using a discount rate of 12% to give the present value. A discount rate between 10% – 20% is typically used in these applications. Starbucks is a mature company at this stage of development and the cost of capital is likely to be toward the lower end of the spectrum. Unsatisfied Satisfied Highly Satisfied Expected Lifetime Future Revenue $ 199. 74 $ 921. 78 $ 3,169. 7 Gross Margin56. 85%56. 85%56. 85% Discount Rate 12% CLV Undiscounted $ 113. 55 $ 524. 03 $ 1,801. 94 CLV Discounted$105. 88 $405. 59 $1,137. 64 Finally, we calculated the annual CLV for each category to provide information for our upcoming problem facing Starbucks about investing in increasing staffing levels. The annual amounts were derived by annualizing the products of visits/month and average ticket size/visit. Unsatisfied Satisfied Highly Satisfied Number of Starbucks Visits/Month 3. 90 4. 0 7. 20 Average Ticket Size/Visit$3. 88 $4. 06 $4. 42 Customer Annual Value $ 103. 23 $ 119. 10 $ 217. 10 Traditional Customer Annual Value (textbook version)$209$241$440 For comparison, our group also decided to calculate the textbo ok version of CLV by taking the average retention rate of 75% derived from Exhibit 8 and inputting it into the formula used in the text. We used the same discount rate, 12%, and took that rate times the product of the number of Starbucks visits/month and average ticket size annualized.CLV = m * r/(1 + I – r) Exhibit 8 % of Starbucks’ customers who first started visiting Starbucks . . . In the past year27% 1–2 years ago 20% 2–5 years ago 30% 5 or more years ago 23% Average25% $40 Million Investment In Improving Its Customer Service Using the data provided from Exhibit 3 in the case in regards to sales data broken down for each company operated store in North America we derived the figures in the table below. DailyWeeklyMonthlyYearly Average Store Sales$2,194$15,400$66,733$800,800 Average ticket/visit$3. 85$3. 85$3. 85$3. 5 Average Customer Count5703,99017,338208,050 One assumption made was the investment in improving customer service would be restricted to North American stores (4,574) from our calculations regarding the forecasted cost of $40 million. As mentioned in the case, â€Å"the company had plans to open 525 company-operated and 225 licensed North American stores in 2003. †(MOON, 2006) Consequently, these were the figures used to determine the forecasted North American store growth in 2003 and the same growth projections were made for subsequent years.Additionally, using the customer count derived from the calculations in the previous table we projected the change in customer count by using the same retention rate of 75% calculated from Exhibit 8 to determine the amount of retained customers. This is also supported by the fact the Starbucks’ cannibalizes its existing store revenue by opening new stores in geographically clustered markets. But this is offset by the total incremental sales associated with new store concentration. That figure was then used to provide the new customers by taking (1 – 75% = 25%) the percentage times the retained customer count.Thereby, our total projected customers equaled the sum of the two and those amounts were continually projected forward. YearCustomers Retained/storeNew Customers/storeTotal Customers/storeNumber of Stores 2002208,0504,574 2003156,03839,009195,0475,324 2004146,28536,571182,8566,197 2005137,14234,286171,4287,213 2006128,57132,143160,7148,396 2007120,53530,134150,6699,772 2008113,00228,250141,25211,375 One final assumption, the growth rate in stores was halted in 2008 to reflect the effect of the recession.All of these amounts allowed the $40 million investment in customer service to be broken out per store over our projected period spanning years 2002 – 2008. Year2002200320042005200620072008 Customer retained/store156,038146,285137,142128,571120,535113,002 New customer/store39,00936,57134,28632,14330,13428,250 Total customer count /store208,050195,047182,856171,428160,714150,669141,252 Number of Stores4,5745,3246,1977,2138,3 969,77211,375 Improvement/Acquistion Cost per store$8,745$7,513$6,455$5,545$4,764$4,093$3,517As shown, the growth in stores allows for a considerable reduction in the per store cost over the projected period. The initial acquisition cost was made by simply dividing the initial $40 million cost by the number of stores in 2002. From the information provided on Page 11 Fig A – Customer Visit Frequency, we calculated the customer base for each satisfaction level. Added to this information was the data derived from the prior table to break out the forecasted revenue stream less the acquisition cost to arrive at the profits made from improving customer service. 002200320042005200620072008 Number of Customers208,050195,047182,856171,428160,714150,669141,252 Customers – Unsatisfied87,38181,92076,80072,00067,50063,28159,326 Customers – Satisfied76,97972,16767,65763,42859,46455,74852,263 Customers – Highly Satisfied43,69140,96038,40036,00033,75031,64129,663 Total R evenue per store$800,800$840,840$882,882$927,026$973,377$1,022,046$1,073,149 Acquistion/Improvement Cost for store-$7,513-$6,455-$5,545-$4,764-$4,093-$3,517 Total Revenue – AC$833,327$876,427$921,481$968,613$1,017,953$1,069,632To increase the profitability based on the CLV data, the maximum bang for the buck is gained by increasing the customer level from satisfied to highly satisfied. Making this switch, Starbucks not only will see an increase in average ticket size from $4. 06 to $4. 42, but the frequency is also increased from 4. 3 to 7. 2 visits per month. All gains yield an additional $98 in incremental gross profit per every customer moved up in satisfaction. Additionally, customer life increases from 4. 4 years to 8. 3 years.As shown in the table below, it makes more sense to pursue after switching satisfied customers to highly satisfied customers as the NPV is far greater than the alternative. Using the NPV from the table and improvement cost for each store we can cal culate the minimum number of customers that we need to switch in 2003 per store. The minimum number of customers to be switched in 2003 = Improvement cost / NPV of satisfied to highly satisfied. = $7,513/$497 = 16 customers/store = 16 * 5,324 stores = 85,184 total customersCustomer LTV/yearChange in revenue by moving up in customer satisfaction levelAvg Customer LifeNet Present Value Unsatisfied$103 Satisfied$119$164. 4 yrs$51. 86 Highly satisfied$217$988. 3 yrs$497. 31 As Starbucks expands and builds more stores, improvement cost per store that is needed is reduced. This, in turn, has a direct effect in reducing the number of customers it needs to switch up one level. Qualitative assessment of Starbucks’ challenges Expectancy-Value ModelKey Attributes (Exhibit 10)Customer Ranking (Exhibit 10)Weights (Exhibit 11)Customer ranking (Exhibit 11)Combined ProbabilityRanking of Importance Treated as a Valuable Customer0. 75free cups after certain number of visits0. 190. 14251 Friend ly Staff0. 73Friendlier, more attentive staff0. 190. 13872 Appropriate Prices0. 65Reduce Prices0. 110. 07153 Fast service0. 65Faster, more efficient service0. 10. 0654 Knowledgeable Staff0. 39More knowledgable staff0. 040. 01565 Selection of merchandise0. 5Better Quality/Variety of Products0. 090. 00456 There is a direct relationship between customer satisfaction and number of visits and revenue which eventually leads to higher profits, Starbucks’ should raise the customer satisfaction levels of its current customer base by making them visit stores more frequently. By using key customer attributes from Exhibit 10 and the consumer weights which was given in Exhibit 11, we can use the expectancy value model to see what are the perceived values to the customer.We can then rank the attributes that consumers would value the most. The expectancy value model shows that faster service is not the highest in perceived value to consumers. There are others that rank higher. Specifically, Starbucks should focus on treating the customer as a valued consumer by rewarding the consumer with free cups of certain coffees after so many purchases. This would surely build more loyalty to the their brand, especially among both the newer and older customers.Starbucks can achieve this by doing one or more of the following: †¢Prices and Promotions – Since Starbucks’ typical customer profile is evolving, the company should look in to running promotions such as discounted prices or a free drink after so many number of visits which could generate additional revenue and possibly increase the average ticket size and customer life for both unsatisfied and satisfied customer level as well as build loyalty among newer and older customers. Improve value to customers with friendly staff – Knowledgeable staff who offer attentive service by greeting and knowing regular customers as well a remembering their drinks would help to improve the value proposition for Star bucks’. This will also try to bridge the gap between Starbucks’ and various other independent specialty coffee shops. †¢Cleanliness – Starbucks’s should ensure that the store is clean at all times (i. e. , restrooms, countertops, trash cans, seating areas, etc. as store cleanliness was ranked as key attributes in creating customer satisfaction (Exhibit 10) †¢Convenience – next on the list is convenience. Starbucks’ could continue to offer customized drinks and further promote sales of its SVC cards to help customers pay for their concoction at their convenience. †¢Improve the customer snapshot measuring techniques to strike a balance in measuring customer satisfaction level. †¢Improve the quality and variety of the coffee Explore additional opportunities to earn peripheral revenues in selling pastries, sandwiches, lunch menus or even liquor. †¢Study in making store atmosphere more conducive to ethnically concentrated geographical locations. WORKS CITED Ho, T. -H. (2006). Incorporating Satisfaction into Customer Value Analysis: Optimal Investment in Lifetime Value. Marketing Science , 260-277. MOON, Y. (2006). Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service. Harvard Business Review .
The death penalty and its violation of the Eighth Amendment of the US Research Paper
The death penalty and its violation of the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution - Research Paper Example As a form of punishment, some justice systems death penalty punishes a collective number of capital offenders who are guilty. Whereas, the definition of capital offenders differs, many offenders who are guilty of taking the life of others fall into the category of capital offenders. Despite that fact that capital offenders attract capital judgment decisions such as the death penalty, there are strong arguments that people have raised against this practice. Some people view that the death penalty is barbaric, expensive, and executed in an arbitrary way. Some people also cite death penalty as a cause of psychological burden to the executers, prone to errors, and a mark of death and not life. Death penalty also causes sorrow to the families of victims, create unfairness, and fails as deterrence. With better ways of punishing capital offenders, there are many reasons justice systems should stop practicing death penalty, but employ other humane alternatives. Discussion Death penalty is a barbaric act of punishing capital offenders as compared to other options like life imprisonment (Banner 169). The practice of the death penalty is a cruel form of ending the life of capital offenders, because justice systems take their life with no thought about it. Today, it is true that the death penalty has evolved from severe brutality to more decent forms of taking the life of those sentenced to death. However, that notion that justice systems can end the life of a capital offender makes the practice brutal and barbaric. Some decades ago, this practice was a key attraction for all people in society, particular those who were interested in seeing others being shot or hanged. Despite the public attention to such events, the practice still displays the brutality that offenders receive when justice systems subjects them to this practice. With the society embracing a peaceful society where brutality is outdated, there are many reasons why justice systems should abolish the death pen alty. Indeed, the end of the death penalty will indicate the lack of brutality in justice systems and a willingness to end brutal indicates an approach aimed at providing justice. The practice of the death penalty cost justice systems needs a lot of money as compared to other forms of punishments (Ann 7). Justice systems that practice the death penalty always follow a long and stringent process to verify that suspects for capital crimes are genuinely guilty or not. The process of determining whether capital offenders are guilty or not often takes a long time and involves many jurors or lawyers working on the case. As a result, the entire process become expansive and a significant vote head that requires excessive fund (Pojman and Reiman 62). The cost of delivering capital punishment is a source of the extra burden to justice systems that may be grappling with limited funds to address their needs (Death Row in Pennsylvania 14). With more States looking for ways of saving on cost, end ing capital punishments remains as one of the best options to reduce the cost of this capital punishment. In addition, ending capital punishment will also reduce the cost that families of offenders who have to contend with while hoping for the release of the loved ones Death penalty is a significant cause of psychological burden that
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Marketing Plan for Nintendo Wii Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Marketing Plan for Nintendo Wii - Research Paper Example Nintendo was introduced to the video game industry in 1985 only to become a great hit within the people of all age groups. It rejuvenated the gaming industry single-handedly. From the inception, the company was always on the run to improve its product technology while maintaining low price levels on the other. This strategy was well accepted by the general public that it catered to economical entertainment. Thus its sales have surged into millions within a short span of time. Recently it introduced Wii which has several advanced features with a built in wi-fi capability. The company is now on the plan for implementing a strategic marketing plan which would be most beneficial for its running in the future. (Anon., 2010). Background analysis Organizational background: Nintendo was originally a Japanese playing card company which introduced its entertainment system in U.S. Today, it has its presence in over 20 countries covering Asia Pacific, Europe and America. Its customers range from 5-120 years of age. Most of them however are youngsters. (Armstrong. M., 2006). The crucial part of Nintendo’s success was its perfect planning and timing. It released its gaming videos in 1985, when the whole video gaming industry crashed totally. (Cooper.R.G., 2001), (Anon., 2005). This is similar to the research undertaken to identify aggressive competitor’s attacks on market leaders. According to the research, a competitor is said to be above-normal aggressive if he moves into new markets geographically, compete with leader’s brands, enter for the first time into the market and increase advertising expenditures.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Analysis of Procter and Gamble Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analysis of Procter and Gamble - Research Paper Example Additionally, its strategy has been very effective worldwide that is exemplified by its 138,000 employees globally. And, at the same time, due to the worldwide demand for P&G’s services and products, its management is forced to devise such competitive strategy that ensures its sound global marketing strategy with innovation. However, it almost lost its market supremacy to competition in the mid 1980’s had it not been its unsound and aggressive play-to-win strategy (Davila, Epstein, & Shelton, 2006, p.73). After that period, the management of the company realized this fact and changed their competitive strategy. Rivals- stronger financial position both in the foreign and domestic market have left many of its rivals behind. As mentioned earlier, the company was declared as the 25th largest by revenue clearly provided its position in the U.S. market in comparison with its competitors such as Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly Clark, and Unilever. They are not only identified its main competitor in the U.S. market but also in the global market as well. However, the company has been successful in maintaining comparatively better financial position in the industry due to the fact that it has capability and ability to use the latest innovation in its products. And, besides, the P&G has very effective and efficient manufacturing processes that enable her to remain competitive in comparison with its rivals. New entrants- P&G operates in a diverse industry- ranging from consumer products to households. In the local as well as in the global market, the company uses innovation in its products in a way to ensure their consumers demands. As a result, the new entrants in the industry would face very tough time to stay competitive as the company has very strong and stable market brand image and perception. Buyers-the company sells a diverse range of buyers. They range from home products such as Ariel, Pantene, Head & Shoulders, laundry and cleaning products (detergents) , beauty care (shampoos, cosmetics), paper goods (toilet papers), famine care (sanitary towels) food and beverages (snacks and coffee) and health care (medicine and toothpaste) (, web). The company products clearly highlight the diverse range of buyers that are being served globally by the company. Suppliers- P&G greatly values its suppliers and relationships with the suppliers. Recently, in that direction, the company has put into practice Combine Net’s approach to developing and building sourcing networks, called as expressive competition (Hughes, Jacobs, Begg, 2006). In this process, the P&G’s suppliers are greatly benefiting by this approach; expressive competition match demand to the efficient means of production and at the same time removes exposure risks in making offers. Aggregately, this is another evidence of the company in introducing innovative means to interact with its suppliers. Threat of substitutes- P&G has been famous for its high qu ality products which are pretty difficult to match or beat (Masahudu Gunu, 2010). Consumers want high quality goods at affordable and reasonable prices. It is this thought that has been the motto of P&G in its product development and innovation, making its products recognized worldwide. It would not easy for any new entrants to come up with new products, putting a tough time to P&G products. Additionally, the brand image of P&G is considerably stable globally.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Leadership in the Globalised Firms Research Paper
Leadership in the Globalised Firms - Research Paper Example The research paper "Leadership in the Globalised Firms" discusses different types of internal and external challenges of the globalized firms. These threats are reducing the potentials of growth and sustainability in the international market. Leadership is one of the key traits of the managers and administrative level of the firms.There are different types of leadership ethics like the golden rule, stakeholder approach to ethics and four-way test. Being the global leader, I use stakeholders approach in order to maintain a balance between the welfare of both senior management and subordinates. In this scenario, I have to follow the order of senior management as well as I have to answer the query of the employees. I cannot inform the employees regarding the reduction in pending staffing by 10%, as it will harm the motivational level of staff or team members. I will try to react against rumors in a positive manner. In the staff meeting, it is one of the most crucial ethical issues. I wi ll inspire my staff to provide their best contribution and fight to sustain in the firm. It will be a healthy competition, which will enhance the overall performance of the firm. This ethical strategy will help me to maintain my responsibility from both ends. Global leaders are adopting a different type of approaches to managing diversity among their followers and subordinates. The global organizations are facing an intense challenge in terms of maintaining cross cultural diversity and socio economic differentiation among the people.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
A New Zealand Automotive Workshop Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
A New Zealand Automotive Workshop - Assignment Example This paper will discuss the eight core areas and will give examples of the areas in terms of how they operate in reality. Introduction There is a wide variety of approaches to having an automotive shop in New Zealand. There are independently owned shops, franchise owned shops, and franchise shops that are independently owned and shops tied into automotive dealerships. There are also those who perform automotive repair on the side out of a person’s home. There are many options for those looking to enter into the automotive repair industry and looking for an automotive shop in which to get their repairs completed. Some examples of franchise automotive repair shops in New Zealand are Midas and Sears Automotive. While independently owned shops include Bell Automotive and Automotive Solutions. Franchise shops are those that can be found in multiple locations and often in multiple countries. They tend to have the same policies from location to location and operate in the same manner . Independently owned businesses tend to only have one or maybe two locations and are usually unique to the town or city in which they are located. The policies vary greatly from shop to shop and the services and procedures followed by each shop will differ. It is important for the consumer to find out the policies of each shop they are considering prior to selecting a shop to perform their repairs. Examples of policies that automotive workshops will develop that could vary from shop to shop are the time limit that a consumer has to bring their vehicle back if they are not satisfied with the repair work, the procedures for dropping off or picking up a vehicle and the refund policy. Automotive business owners will want to have these policies clear in both writing and practice and consumers should ensure that they are aware of the policies prior to determining who will perform their repairs. There are also specific options available in terms of the type of automotive repair business. A person can choose to open a shop specializing in a specific type of car, such as only working on Volkswagens, or foreign cars. Someone can also choose to only perform specific work such as brakes, repairing body damage or transmissions. There are also those that specialize in aftermarket products such as accessories for four wheel drives, tires or paint. Again, consumers must determine where they would prefer to get their repairs done based on their personal needs and beliefs about auto repair. Whatever a person may choose in terms of operating their automotive business, there are eight core areas that must be considered and well planned prior to taking on the start of an automotive repair shop and continuing on throughout the life of the business. These areas are banking/finance, accounting, insurance, advertisement, out sourcing, supplying, buildings and council regulations. Core Areas Bank and Finance Anyone operating a business of any kind must have a plan for their financing. An automotive workshop requires tools and specialized equipment so having the business finances in order is especially important. Equipment for the automotive repair business can be quite costly, so banking and financing is an important area to have in order. There are many options for financing including credit unions,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Organizational Change - Essay Example The power and strength of the Army is not only the number but also lies in the contribution from individual soldier. This is because it is not important for them as to what job they have or which rank they hold. The Army has more than 675,000 soldiers which are divided into 488,000 soldiers on Active Duty who are ready to react and fight immediately in any mission and 189,000 soldiers in Army Reserve, who can be mobilized rapidly when their combat and military skills are required in situations of national emergency or in global conflicts (ABOUT THE ARMY). As the US Army consists of a large number of soldiers, it has to be organized into separate units, each with a respective leader and a reporting structure. The Army is separated into two major components as the Active Duty and the Army Reserve. Those who operate in any of the component are known as the Enlisted Soldiers, the Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs), the Warrant Officers or the Commissioned Officers. The following diagram shows how the Army operational unit is organized (ABOUT THE ARMY). The US military life is tough regime where the soldiers are trained to live and survive in tough conditions. No form of social contact is allowed for them. The result is that when these soldiers return back to their social lives they face difficulty in accommodating themselves with the social culture. They get repulsed by the poor physical fitness of the civilians, by the uncivilized uncouth behavior according to their standards, and by what these army persons considered as pervasive selfishness and aimless consumerism. Many also found themselves avoiding their old friends, and some even experienced problems in communicating with their own families. These soldiers develop this feeling that the civilians are only interested in being losers and underachievers. They find the general civilian life nothing but nasty (The
Program Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Program Evaluation - Essay Example The violence that has slowly increased since the 1990s is not over, and the public in this nation are not safe from becoming a victim of a violent juvenile crime concerning drugs, and gunfire. Studies have shown that child neglect and abuse has been proven to be directly correlated to violence in a youth’s future. The â€Å"Safe Home’ Youth program aims to prevent violence prevalent among the youth in the United States. This requires minimizing the effects of drugs and guns on the youth. It has been decided that an outcomes-based evaluation will be performed by government officials along with school administrators, at the end of the probation period. The outcomes of this program will show the participants, who are the parents and children, that the program has benefits and prevents youth violence dramatically. The outcomes will enhance knowledge, perception, and economic conditions in public school system communities. With this in mind, the following program evaluation has been designed to determine the effectiveness, efficiency and the cost-benefit. Many approaches to evaluation are possible depending upon the program to be evaluated and the purpose of evaluation. Irrespective of the approach, evaluation must be purposive, empirical and analytical (Maxfield, 2001). Purposive implies to have a specific purpose for conducting the evaluation. The purpose of the program must be known to all and the purpose must be clearly stated. The purpose of the Safe Home program has been clearly explained. The outcome of the evaluation has also been stated. The logic of the program and the logic of the evaluation constitute the analytical element. This implies that all evaluation activities must be logically connected. The program goals have to be clear and they are pursued through a logical model. The data collection activities have to be consistent with the activities and goals. Sample selection should reflect
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Case for Animal Rights by Tom Reagan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Case for Animal Rights by Tom Reagan - Essay Example Animal rights violators have argued that not all living things have equal rights and that humans are superior to the others. They state that human beings have the rights while the other living things, especially animals, have rights only in the right view of the human being responsible. Reagan accounts for the need to have animal rights on the following arguments and sets of theories. First, the violators base their argument on the contractions theory, where the human beings are said to have signed a voluntary contract to ensure rights on themselves and close persons. The rights also cover what the human beings have sentimental value, and what interests them in the society only. Reagan argues that this does not adequately cover the rights of animals in the society from the actions of human beings. He states that in case the animal in question does not have any relevance or value to the human being, then he/she is not morally obligated to uphold or enforce the rights of the animal (Re agan, 1989). The second argument is considered as the cruelty-kindness theory that states that every human being has the duty to be kind to all the animals in the world, whether they have sentimental value or not; we also have an indirect duty not to be cruel to the animals in the world whatsoever. ...The same theory also argues for the statement ‘the end justifies the means’; moreover, Reagan uses the rights view to contradict these statements by egalitarians, by stating that the end does not justify the means, in the upholding animal rights. Reagan’s criticism is valid in light of clearly rational arguments and analysis on some other theories on animal rights. He seeks to bring balance between the animal’s rights and human rights in the world. The sense of belief that animals have no feelings and humans have no moral obligations towards them is clearly misplaced. There needs to be a balance between actions to animals and the results, in that animals are living things too and have emotions and rights that we need to uphold in society, if we are to be rational.
Monday, July 22, 2019
A Piece of Peace Essay Example for Free
A Piece of Peace Essay The terrorist attacks on September 11th affected more than just the lives of those in people who were the direct victims of the attacks. An entire nation was victimized and the whole nation grieved for those who suffered in New York City. As the attacks occurred I sat in my high school English class and while the teacher taught I day dreamed. It was a typical Tuesday morning and to be truthful I did not ever hear her the first time she explained the tragic events that had taken place just moments ago. I heard the word â€Å"terrorists†and the fragments of statements like â€Å"hundreds died this morning when†. Then, I could only hear my heart beat in my ears. I watched my teacher turn on the TV. She flipped through several stations. I dont remember what I saw but I can remember what I heard. It was the sound of people crying. Over the next few months, as a nation, we followed the story as did the world. I can remember President Bush attempting to comfort the United States and telling us America would be going to war for reasons that werent clear to me then and certainly arent clear to me now. Somewhere between the night of September 10th, when I was plotting how I was going to avoid school the next morning and the night of September 11th, I grew up. When I look back on that time in my life I am left with a single haunting thought It is the pursuit of peace which leads to destruction. Even today, years after the terrorist attacks, people still talk about how that day changed everything. I agree, in some ways. It changed me and I became something new. It changed my family. It changed how American view other Americans and how we view the rest of the world. Americans have since the birth of the nation believed that their way was the best way. Americans were shocked to find out that people hated them enough to want to kill them. September 11th forced Americas to reflect on the military, social, and political actions of America and how they effected people of other countries. Perhaps Americans are not always in the right. For example, President Bush I gave weapons to the Afghan people to win a war against Russia. When the Afghan people defeated the Russian, Afghanistan was completely destroy. American promised them they will help rebuild but they did not. That is why the terrorist were able to come into the country and making a terrorist breeding ground. I dont think that September 11th effects the way Americans conduct their lives daily. People who say it does are feeling the pressure of guilt. Society says we must not forget, and as Americans say we wont. As a nation the citizens learned that there is a fine line between terrorist and freedom fighter- we are just afraid to admit it and seem unamerican. Those men who ran planes into building, killed Americans and killed themselves wanted only one thing peace. They wanted freedom from the western world and choose to die. Just as we wanted independence from England centuries ago. In looking for peace they destroyed lives, families, and shook the protected ground the United States sat on. It made the country stronger but not smarter. I am anxious over the global discord and the cultural ignorance that seems to grow between the United States and the rest of the world. The problems in Iraq foretell and may spark future clashes with a number of civilizations in the future. Just recently I drove home from work and I flipped through different radio stations. I caught the end of Bob Dylans â€Å"The Times They Are A-Changing†. Its funny because that is my moms favorite song and I had forgotten it existed. I still can hear her sing, â€Å"Come gather round people Wherever you roam / And admit that the waters Around you have grown /For the times they are a-changin†, while she tinkered around in the kitchen way before anyone else got up. I dont know that I ever really listened to the words before. Dylan knew and my mom knew things I was just beginning to. Dylan and my mom knew â€Å"theres a battle outside And it is ragin†and September 11th did shake our â€Å"windows†and rattled our â€Å"walls†. As a nation its citizens have no right to â€Å"criticize What we [you] cant understand†and our â€Å" sons and [y]our daughters Are beyond our [your] command†(Dylan). Our soldiers fight a war for reasons no one really knows for America that would rather criticize them then help in country that does not seem to want peace. Dylan sings about the injustice in war and that we should not be afraid to speak our minds: Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide The chance wont come again And dont speak too soon For the wheels still in spin And theres no tellin who That its namin. For the loser now Will be later to win For the times they are a-changin. (Dylan) Bush wants peace but for his own reasons and through those reasons American soldiers are dying, and so are the Iraqi people. It is ironic that while those terrorists die nobly but ur soldiers die in such a cruel way. McKay writes in his poem, â€Å"If We Must Die,†that people should not die for nothing or by doing nothing. That death is inevitable, especially in war, but all people must fight for the things we want in this world and hold on to life and liberty as long as we can: O kinsmen we must meet the common foe! Though far outnumbered let us show us brave, And for their thousand blows deal one deathblow! What though before us lies the open grave? Like men well face the murderous, cowardly pack, Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back! (Claude McKay) In the summer of 2001 I was lying in my hammock and I could see a butterfly in my backyard. I remember as a child learning that caterpillars itch and go into cocoons to find peace from that. Change in a way is a form of destruction. To be able to be someone new people have to give up their old selves and move past who they used to bee. When a child develops into an adult, he must give up his toys, his childhood beliefs like believing in Santa Claus. His childhood fantasies must be destroyed if he is to move on. In the years that followed September 11th I could feel myself â€Å"adapt to my new surroundings†(White Line 2). White, through the use of nature explores the scary nature of change: I have to shed my skin again Adapt to my new surroundings become another version of myself. The change within me does not happen overnight but through the evolution of my life (White) I was filled with Americans sense of patriotism and unity. The new American was like â€Å"the first fish that grew tiny legs†(White Line 8). Christine Whites poem, â€Å"Molting†reminded me that it was not just me that grew up, the United States did too. Whites point of view is that change is not a bad thing and is inevitable. Nearly every person around the country joined together as one united entity to pay tribute and homage to all the fallen heroes. There was a sense of harmony and peace. In way I think America, even those the terrorist attacks were tragic, knew that such an event was needed if we were going to â€Å"shed our [my] skin†(White Line 1) and become a stronger nation. As time goes by and my bad memories fade I remember America in its full glory. Watching the cumulative effect of humanity shining through the fire and smoke. I remember how many people spoke about the importance of peace and understanding. I wonder if there can be peace if Americans are divide both support and protest our soldiers in Iraq. The war over there caused a war here between Americans. It is the protesters protest protesters on both sides of the issues – each wanting peace in their own way. People who do not want our soldiers fighting in Iraq believe that they would be peace if America stopped butting into everyones business. People who are for the war in Iraq believe peace will only come after the destruction of all terrorists. In the end these protesters (on both sides) are destroying the morale and lives of people fighting in the Iraq war and are disgracing the memories of those that died. The price of peace is extremely high especially because Americans do not know if we can ever have it. I do know that â€Å"The line it is drawn The curse it is cast / The slow one now Will later be fast / As the present now Will later be past†(Dylan). I do know that America must hold her ground against the terrorists. Americans will not be tyrannized and forced to live like cowards. Even when we face â€Å"the murderous, cowardly pack, Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back! †(McKay Line 14). The American fight for freedom and peace has also managed to destroy our economy. Oil prices increased, the value of the American dollar decreased, and the stock market bottomed out. When Clinton was President the stock market was well over 10,000 after 9/11 it drop well under 8000. President Bush spent the Clinton Surplus on military, and it is just now in 2006 that the stock has become stabilized. I think that our economy will emerge from this disaster and become strong once again like it was before the attacks. In the pursuit of peace and destruction, people in Americans have finally understood their place in society and were back â€Å"in the sun†(White Line 10). Not as a not as a bystanders but an active and willing participants. Americans realize that there needs to be a great deal of change and those changes have started. American citizens encourage our â€Å"senators, congressmen Please heed the call / Dont stand in the doorway Dont block up the hall†(Dylan). And governmental officials are making changes. I think our nation needs to help a new generation of people realize that aftermath of that day when humans lives were lost and Americas unique humanity and independence was demonstrated. This generations hearts were opened and turned around in the wake of airplane crashes. On September 11, 2001 many people lost their lives because men were seeking their own personal peace. Daily our soldiers are destroyed one by one for the goal of peace. The American economy struggles because of the war for peace against terrorism. Americans fight Americans over whether we should be in Iraq or not which tears apart soldiers pride. Before that Tuesday in September, I never thought about life and death. I never considered the consequences of war and the denial of freedoms. Now that I am older, I realize that September 11, 2001 was not just pivotal point for me but America itself. Not since Pearl Harbor had the United States been unexpectedly attacked on its own land. Just as families pulled together so did the United States as a whole. As a nation we cried together and we healed together. To actually witness the attacks was life changing but to be part of the healing process was life affirming.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Surveillance of US Citizens
Surveillance of US Citizens Will the technology that one day has been used to track enemies of the state and to haunt terrorists be used in domestic surveillance of the U.S citizens on U.S soils. Is it possible that we may see thousands of these drones roaming freely in the skies of the U.S . Actually, According to the federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s expectations the U.S airspace is going to have over 30,000 drones moving freely in less than 20 years. The Usage of drones in domestic surveillance fuels the steaming debate taking place nowadays between advocates of full civil liberties and the proponents of stricter measures to track unlawful acts and especially the ones related to National security threats and terrorism. It also adds more to the controversy of whether the usage of these drones in domestic surveillance is considered a search that needs a warrant according to the U.S constitution’s 4th amendment or not. Due to the dynamism of science, everyday there is something new concernin g this technology. Surveillance drones have several types. They differ in the degree of sophistication and precision. Drones with the ability to see through walls may be available in the very near future. These developments just add more to the concerns over civil liberties and stimulate a legislative interference to end the controversy or at least try to. â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated†. These are the mere words of the constitution in its 4th amendment which forms the basic right of privacy for the U.S American people. In the light of this text, and the many Supreme Court rulings which were accordingly uttered, legislators should find their paths to a legislation which regulates the usage of drones on U.S soil and at the same time be compatible with the U.S constitution. In order to do that they should tackle more than one issue. First, Location of surveillance whether it’s in homes, backyards or public places or even the national borders of the country. Second, the sophistication of the technology used and its lawfulness and finally, the duration of surveillance. Starting with the location, according to the mentioned words from the constitution above and the Supreme court ruling in (Katz v. United States)[1],there is a direct relation between the location of surveillance and the assumption of privacy by the targeted person. In (Katz vs. United States) the court loudly set the perception that as long as the targeted person is not expecting to be publically seen or witnessed and as long as he/she took the considerations not to be seen then any surveillance or search performed without a warrant is considered unlawful. Thus In homes, privacy is expected by public and cannot be invaded unless there is a warrant. Regarding the curtilage of a private property, it is also considered a part of the property secured from unwarranted surveillance. Yet this does not negate the fact that curtilage can be seen and monitored by the naked eye and from several vantage points. As long as the action of monitoring does not involve sophisticated equipment and through a vantage point it is allowed without a warrant. In two main precedents of the Supreme Court (In California v. Ciraolo and In Florida v. Riley) the police officers received tips that both individuals were growing marijuana in their backyard. The officers flew an aero-plane few feets above their backyards where they saw with their naked eyes the action of growing unlawful substances. In both cases, this action was not considered a search that needs a warrant since officers saw the action and the convicted never tried to prevent the action of seeing and they did not assume privacy since the place was already exposed. By applying these two incident s on the usage of drones for surveillance it may be assumed that it would be reasonable enough to consider using them instead of launching planes to monitor an action. As a matter of fact, this assumption may be a bit far from truth simply since there is another factor which was not taken into consideration. This factor is the degree of expectancy by the suspect to be monitored. Due to the rarity of drones in the U.S skies nowadays (around 300 licenses), being watched by a drone would never be deemed by the public as an expected thing in the contrary to planes which normally travel over houses. This would raise questions around the legitimacy of the usage of drones in the first place. Finally, when it comes to the borders of the U.S, one of the main missions of the U.S government is to defend the U.S soil against any kind of attack or illegal entry of aliens or substances. The Supreme Court has been quite conservative when dealing with the issue of borders’ security. They consider it as a holy duty of the U.S law enforcement and army and they try as much as they can not to interfere. The usage of drones to monitor the borders would be of less controversy due to the deep need of all kinds of security measures to prevent the unlawful violations that take place almost daily on the borders nowadays. Regarding the technological breakthroughs each and every moment in the world of drones, a regulation that determines the level of sophistication accepted to be used is severely needed. These drones now have the ability to wander in the air for very long times and it is expected in the near future to theoretically have the ability to stay in air forever. The drones may be equipped with face recognition devices or even laser radars which may allow seeing through walls. On one side this may be good news for law enforcement institutions that things is going to be way easier in capturing the bad guys and would help in diminishing of the budgetary expenses. On the other hand it really raises a factual concern over the constitutionality of anticipating such technological developments or at least shows the need of a strict regulation of usage or things may get messy. As a legislative solution I see that the usage of drones on U.S soil in domestic surveillance should be considered an action of search that needs a warrant under the 4th amendment and any action of surveillance without a warrant should be considered unlawful. A warrant should be initiated according to tangible evidence or plausible suspicions that an individual/group is doing an action that is considered according to the U.S laws unlawful. The court should assess the suspicion and accordingly determine the duration by which after it the warrant expires with maximum of 30 days to be renewed according to new evidence or a probable cause. There may be some exceptions by which law enforcement may automatically respond by using drones without the need of warrants and these exceptions are as follows: The existence of an imminent danger that threaten the U.S borders and needs to be obstructed or monitored closely. By imminent danger illegal entry of aliens/ illegal substances / arms is mean t. Another exception would be in the case of emergencies like (natural disasters or fires etc†¦). Third exception would be a threat to the national security of the country assessed by the department of National security. The secretary of homeland security takes the decision of using the drones. In all exceptions stated above a warrant shall be initiated after 48 hours from the decision of using the drones. The legislative frame work above just offers a compromise between making use of such a fascinating technology and ensuring that civil liberties to the maximum extent possible are safe and sound. I would like to conclude with words of Justice Scalia (Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States) which sums up the whole dilemma we’re living through here. He says and I quote†It would be foolish to contend that the degree of privacy secured to citizens by the fourth amendment has been entirely unaffected by the advance of technology †¦.. The question we confront today is what limits there are upon this power of technology to shrink the realm of guaranteed privacy. â€Å" [1] In Katz v. United States, decided in 1967, the Court held that an FBI agent’s use of a bug to listen to the private conversations of Mr. Katz while in a telephone booth violated his Fourth Amendment rights. Although he was in a public telephone booth and there was no physical invasion, the Court noted that what a person â€Å"seeks to preserve private, even in an area accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
We Should Send Our Parents To Retirement Homes
We Should Send Our Parents To Retirement Homes In ancient time, filial piety is regarded as one of the virtues to be held above all else: a respect for the parents and ancestors, which means to be good to ones parents, to take care of ones parents and be definitely obedient to their parents in any case and do whatever their parents require. Parents have the supreme control over their children in traditional family. Filial piety has long been the virtue of the Chinese people. As time goes by, things have changed a lot. Parents power has weakened a lot. Recently the article Dear Son Mother Wants To Be A Dog in Your Home was widely spread among netizens in Q-zones, blogs and forums (na.2010). When I first read this article, I could not withdraw my tears. I believe anyone with conscience who has read it will be deeply moved and feels sorrow for the old women. It is high time that we considered the old-age support in our country. I think we should send our parents to retirement homes in the future. I divide my argumentation into two parts. The first part is about people in rural areas and the second part is about people in city. Part I Point 1 According to Wang (2008), The traditional family structure has collapsed and is replaced by one-child family pattern'(P.28). As the number of children reduce , the old-age support situation becomes more serious for the rural people. It is predicted that in the future every young people has two to four old people to support (Qin,J,2009,P32). It can be extremely difficult for these rural people with low incomes to sustain so many old. In order to relieve the pressure, it will be a good choice to send old people to the nursing home to pass their old age. Besides, it is also the governments responsibility to plan the budget for old-age support to help those poor young people. Thus, we can at least guarantee the old peoples basic living needs if we send our parents to a retirement home. We get someone to take care of them in the nursing home. When they are hungry, they have something to eat. When it is too cold or too hot, they have clothes to wear. When it rains or heats, they have room s to shelter. When they are ill, they can turn to the doctor in time. The most important thing is that they can turn to someone to help when an emergency happens. In this way, the tragedy like Dear Son Mother Wants To Be A Dog in Your Home will never happen again. Point 2 In rural areas, the necessity to send parents to a nursing home seems greater since old people in the countryside lead a much more difficult life than city people. Old people are often ignored or maltreated by their children in rural areas because they can not earn any money or work any more. Much of the family income is spent on the young children while very little even no money on the old people. According to Fan (2010) There is a shocking fact that the elderly suicide in rural areas are among the highest reported in any country in mainland China(P.84). It can not be denied that the rural elderly suicide has much to do with the ignorance and maltreatment of old people. To many old people, they had to stand the ill-treatment. Because they beileve domestic shame should not be made public. So to send old people to a retirement home can be a good way to protect their rights. Point 3 Another reason for sending rural old people to nursing home is that they can meet, play with people of the same age and feel less lonely. Nowadays young people go to work in downtown and bring their children together. They are busy with their work and seldom return home to see their parents. Many old people suffer from loneliness most of the time at home. So why not send the parents to a retirement home? In the retirement home, they can express and share opinions with other old people. It can be much convenient for them to play chess, mah-jong and do sports together. Part II Point 1 Like rural old people, those who live in the city slao suffer from loneliness. As Cai (2009) has pointed out that China is still a developing country, the advanced population aging has declined the economy development and caused further challenge to the under-funded pension system(P54). To be a 1980s generation, we are under great stress. In order to survive in the city, we have to work hard to pay off home loan, car loan, pay for food, drinks, clothes, water bill, electric charge childrens education and old-age support. We are busy with our work. We eat fast food,work extra hours come and go in a hurry. Life in the city is busy. Things changes rapidly. Little do we have time to spend with our family. Â Point 2 The generation gaps between children and parents,grandchildren and grandparents are wide. Old people often find it difficult to catch up with the time, their children and grandchildren. For example, young children may find it interesting to search the Internet and play on-line games at home on weekends while the old people would like to go out to chat with some acquaints. Â Its obvious that there are a lot of differences between old people and young people, such as their appetites, interests and values. These differences have caused much inconvenience for old people to live with children. Many old people in city suffer alienation and loneliness. It can be wise to send parents to a retirement home where they can find people of similar interest and hobbies. As people in the city generally worry little about their basic necessities, all they want is a light heart. With people of the common language, they can confide to each other, get rid of worry, feel understood and more valued. Point 3 Besides, the housing price continues to be high. It can be a great burdon for young people to purchase a larger house with special rooms provided for old people. As Luo Jiang (2009) state that the average housing space is only 7.1 squaremeters in the city (P50). The intense housing shortage has become a common and outstanding issue. In this background, it can not be a better choice than to send parents to nursing home. Objection However, some people may argue that it is not in accordance with filial piety to send our parents to retirement homes. It may sound unreasonable if one just sees the superficial and doesnt go deeper. However, imagine that you leave your old parents helpless in the rural areas, will you be guilt? So why not send your parents to the downtown retirement home? It isnt it nice for them to be in a convenient place which may be closer to where you work? Just think about leaving your parents with no one to talk to in the box house and getting old gloomily, do you feel sorry for them? So why not bring changes to it and send your parents to the retirement home where they can find some companions and live a more meaningful life? The most important reason is that old people should learn to be independent. As Russell(n.d.) wrote: A successful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal interests involving appropriate activities. And the best way to overcome death is to make ones interests gradually wider and more impersonal,until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede,and ones life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life.(P93) As Russell has pointed out that its important for old people to guard against clinging too much to youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality. The nursing home can be a good place for old people to develop their own personal interests involving appropriate activities. Only when old people have strong wills can they enjoy a happy life no matter what difficulties they are faced with. Conclusion Because we are busy making money to support the family and dont have time to take of them, and the unevitable differences between old people and young generation, and the high housing price and the unability to both buy houses and support the old, we have to send our parents to a retirement home in the future. This is not to say that sending our parents to the retirement home is the whole thing. Filial piety includes much more details, such as we can pay visits to them as often as possible, celebrate important fesitivals with them, call them when we can not come to see them. Its very important to give them spiritual support and comfort. If possible, we can take them to travel together. Above all ,its up to our parents whether to go to the nursing homes or not. We can not force our parents to go. Its very important that we communicate with our parents in time and we should let them understand our decisions.In the future, the nursing home may be constructed as pleasant as kindergartens so that we can send our parents there in the day and pick them as well as our children up at night. Of course, we need the governments large financial support to built quality retirement homes.
Beckett :: essays research papers
                                                       1                               BECKETT      King Henry II was a very extreme and shallow ruler. The king had a harsh method that only aided himself. He was not the best family man, king, or friend. He was he was surrounded by an obsession of one person, his best friend, Beckett. King Henry reigned with a tyrannical attitude, manipulative persona, and had a severe obsession for Beckett.      King Henry II ruled his country to an unnecessary extreme. The majority of the king's time was spent benefiting his own welfare. Only close family, friends, and nobility were taken care of. The king blatantly took care of himself and his supporters, overlooking the people who needed the most help. Henry spent too much of his time waiting for Beckett's consent.      King Henry possesses a manipulative mind-set. Henry attempts to manipulate Beckett, but does not succeed. Beckett is too intelligent to be controlled by the king. Unfortunately King Henry's family is manipulated by him. The King's family is aware of his manipulation, but attempting to do anything about it will only result negatively. The queen tried this at supper, but she was yelled at and sent out of the room by the king.      2 King Henry has an intense obsession with Beckett. The king desires Beckett's love and approval. Without Beckett's direction and care for King Henry, the King will not even bathe. After Beckett devoted his life to God, King Henry's obsession grew stronger. King Henry exiled his best friend out of his country. Beckett was not supposed to leave the country, but secretly did. Henry indirectly told his guards that he did not want Beckett leaving. After reuniting on a French beach, they argued, and went their separate ways. But before the King headed back, he yelled Beckett's name one last time with no reply.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Essay --
The Band and Its Placement in American Music The Band has come to be known as one of the top one hundred greatest group of performers in the twentieth century. At the height of their popularity in the late 1960s, America was drawing a harsh divide between generations, races, genders, and political ideologies. Rock and Roll at this point had become a defining feature of the counterculture (the younger generations were disillusioned with the then upheld principles of American society) and as such was seen as a menace which often voiced harsh criticisms against figures and institutions of authority really long sentence. Amidst the chaos between music and society, a humbly talented group of performers released what some have called the purest most honest music of the generation. The Band had its influences rooted in the country, rock’ n’ roll, and rhythm and blues music of the early 1950s. To more than a few members of the group, performers such as Little Richard, Elvis Presley, Conway Twitty, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis inspired them to pursue music with the passionate zeal that usually accompanies talented musicians. The members: Robbie Robertson, Levon Helm, Rick Danko, Garth Hudson, and Richard Manuel were all multi-instrumentalists and as such got their start as musicians from early ages, Levon Helm for example started playing guitar at the age of nine. In 1958, Helm began touring with an established band known as Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks throughout Ontario, Canada. This pre-incarnation of the Band earned fame throughout Canada before finally deciding to settle in Toronto where their most profitable gigs occurred at. Homesickness, however prevented the Hawks from remaining together for very long. As members of ... ... seems to highlight all of the genres that the group was influenced by and in turn showcases their progressive sound. Not only does the song recant a folk-tale in the form of a ballad but also shows the complexities of characters as archetypes of mankind and alludes to the biblical wanderings of the disciples. The song was also featured in the 1978 documentary of The Band, The Last Waltz, directed by Martin Scorsese. As a final hoorah, the Band concluded their touring in 1976 with a cadre of other influential artists such as Paul McCartney, Neil Young, Eric Clapton, Van Morrison and others. The film the Last Waltz has also lived on as an inspiration to current artists and has been acclaimed as a must see for musicians. The film not only captures the performances of The Band but also presents them in the context of the culture, amidst famous aspects of rock and roll.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Whose Sentence is it Anyway?
The title of this lesson is â€Å"Whose Sentence is it Anyway?† It is based on the TV show â€Å"Whose Line is it Anyway?†and is a lesson designed to improve the language arts skills of the students. Under this lesson plan, the subjects, in this case the students, must be able to complete the sentence that is given to them by the instructor. The goal of these learning exercises is to be able to improve the emphasized language arts strand related to the presentation of English words and sentences. An integral part in the learning of language arts has always been the understanding of how certain words, when used in different order and context, have different meanings and are able to convey a totally different message from what was originally intended. The key component of these exercises in learning the language arts lies in the entertainment value of such and also the group work that is involved, in an attempt to also encourage social interactions among the students. The main concept to be taught in these exercises involves the understanding of Basic English sentence structures and the use of punctuations in sentences. Incidental to these learning exercises is the necessity for the students to possess a basic understanding of the many uses of certain words of the English language. This lesson plan also helps students deal with different social situations and shows what the appropriate responses are to these situations by demonstrating the effects when a proper response is not given as opposed to how effective communication can be when the proper response is provided. The structure of the lesson plan will follow the basic outline as reproduced within this report. Language Arts Activity: Complete the Silly Sentence Emphasized Language Arts Strand: Presenting I. The Basic Concepts: Sentence structure and use of English vocabulary II. Behavioral Objectives The students are expected to learn how to form complete and correct sentences. The students are also expected to be able to relate and interpret how different subjects, verbs and adjectives relate to one another in completing sentences. III. Materials: A container marked â€Å"Feelings†or â€Å"Adjectives†, which contains ten laminated cards with different feelings or adjectives written on them A container marked â€Å"Action†with ten laminated cards with different actions written on them A container marked â€Å"Person†with ten laminated cards with different people or occupations written on them Laminated â€Å"Complete Sentence†cards Small dry erase board and dry erase markers. IV. Teaching/ Learning Procedures: A student is to be chosen as the â€Å"Pantomime Presenter†of the group while another student is chosen to be the recorder.  The â€Å"Pantomime Presenter†takes one of the laminated strips from each of the three labeled containers.  The three strips drawn should form a silly sentence that the â€Å"Pantomime Presenter†must attempt to express without the use of words. The other students must guess what the words written on each card were and attempt to put these words together to form the silly sentence. Card subjects may be guessed one at a time such that when one card is guessed the recorder writes it on the board.  The first student to correctly guess all three card subjects together and thus forming a complete sentence receives a â€Å"Complete Sentence†card and becomes the next â€Å"Pantomime Presenter†.  The previous â€Å"Pantomime Presenter†now becomes the recorder.  The first student to collect five â€Å"Complete Sentence†cards is awarded with an activity pass which entitles student to five minutes extra center time. V. Evaluation: The teacher evaluates the student’s understanding by observing the game playing activity and by helping to clarify questions or problems when needed.
Kudler Fine Foods & Cardiff Seaside Market Analysis Essay
In this paper I go away talk somewhat Kudler ok Foods and Cardiff seaside food market and since both the furrowes be estimate competitors of iodine an some different, I would compargon and direct contrast the two businesses in secern to take apart the areas where one f on the wholes short from the other.Kudler very well Foods is a gourmet grocery throw in that tar bring downs the upscale customers for whom time constraint is a big issue as the stock en subjects the customers to buy their coveted products at one go. It is based on Southern atomic number 20 and it operates in three locations in San Diego in La Jolla, Del Mar and Encinitas.Kudler fair Foods was opened by Kathy Kudler in 1998 who felt that traveling all the way out of the town sole(prenominal) for the purpose of purchasing grocery items and ingredients apply in preparedness is tiring and to crater to this problem, she came up with the initiative of one catamenia shopping. The five main departmen ts that Kudler beauteous Foods is dissever into are mentioned below. accented bakery and pastriesFresh produceFresh meat and sea provenderCondiments and packaged foodsCheeses and specialty dairy productsOne affair that has to be noted almost Kudler o.k. Foods is that they do not and transport the ingredients that are used by hatful while cooking meals exclusively they administer alkali cooked meals as well and this eases the cooking efforts. (University of Phoenix, 2007).Cardiff seaside marketplace is one of the biggest competitors of Kudler ok Foods and it was formed in 1985. It does not just offer top-notch quality products to the customers that it excessively provides them with excellent services. It is a family owned and operated business and the management promises to create excellence in every department.Cardiff seaboard grocery store has a chain of stores that offers a variety of items that includes food items and they similarly sell other things such(preno minal) as floral items and gifts. The items and services that Cardiff seaside Market offers to its customers are mentioned below. (Cardiff seaboard Market, n.d.).1. ply2. Cheese3. Cuisine and bakery4. floral and gifts5. Meat and sea food6. take7. Wine8. Gluten unornamented productsWhen we compare the home pages of the websites of both the businesses, it is much evident that the offerings of Cardiff seaboard Market outnumber that of Kudler Fine Foods. some(prenominal) the businesses offer the customers to buy cheese and dairy products, cuisine and bakery items, meat and sea food, wine and produce.However, Cardiff seaside Market in addition offers catering services and gluten free products and free healthy recipes. Cardiff Seaside Market is a family oriented business while Kudler Fine Foods was founded by a lady named Kathy Kudler who cognize that travelling to the town to buy kitchen items was tiring. come along talking about the home page, I would say that since Kudler Fine Foods is owned by a lady, not much innovations and reinvigorated strategies are being used to reform the business operations yet Cardiff Seaside Market offers special food items on daily basis and they confirm also given their weekly special.Besides this, the honor card of Cardiff Seaside Market offers the customers the opportunity to earn rewards up to 3%. encomiastic Healthy Grocery Store Tours are also offered by Cardiff Seaside Market where the customers get to know about all kinds of information related to nutrition. Since the expert has analyse dietary theories and clinical aspects of health and nutrition, the customers advise get to know about their queries and about the way they understructure live healthier lives.Moreover, since the programs offered by them are uniquely spare according to the preferences of the customers, all the health concerns of the individuals are well taken care of. (The alone Journey, n.d.). Further talking about the submarine sandwich sections of the websites of both the businesses, they are divided into various parts according to their offerings in which the elaborate of the offerings are mentioned. (Hisrich, Peters &Shepherd, 2006).The website of Kudler Fine Foods is not usable for access to every individual and when you reckon for it on Google we are not able to get any such link. However, quite a little can have access to the website through University of Phoenix but they need a username and password for that. Therefore, access to the website of Kudler Fine Foods is not easy as it is not usual but the website access of Cardiff Seaside Market is very easy and convenient as it can be slow found while browsing on the Internet.As I already mentioned about the website access, I would say that the search ability of Cardiff Seaside Market is very easy but in the case of Kudler Fine Foods, everyone cannot have access to the website. Further talking about the layout of the websites, Kudler Fine Foods has a ver y simple-minded website and everything mentioned on the website can be easily found and is easy to read and understand. identical is the case with Cardiff Seaside Market is but they have added some more(prenominal) things other than the basics i.e. their offerings.These new additions that Cardiff Seaside Market has made include the weekly specials, soups of the day and recipes.The graphics of both the websites are exquisite but the pictures used by Cardiff Seaside Market are not as well as catchy and so they must be replaced with more lively pictures while Kudler Fine Foods must add some more pictures to keep the interest of the customers. The navigation of the websites is fine and one is easily able to vagabond the entire website.Although the product display at Cardiff Seaside Market is fine but they should add some more pictures to throw off them stand out but in the case of Kudler Fine Foods, the website has very slight pictures because of which it is a bit boring. The si te cheek of Kudler Fine Foods is done by Apollo aggroup and it is being done apart from the other changes that have to be made.On the website of Kudler Fine Foods, there is no option for the customers to wage online but Cardiff Seaside market offers a payment solution to the customers and the customers can guild online and they can either pick up their delivery or they can get their put ins delivered to their desired address. Once the customers select their desired option, they can choose their pick up date and they also have the expertness of ordering seven days onwards they actually need to collect the order or to get the order delivered. Lastly, the customers can also choose the time at which they find it feasible for them to pick the order or to get it delivered.ReferenceCardiff Seaside Market. (n.d.). How may We Serve You? May 12th, 2010. Retrieved from http//, R., Peters, M. &Shepherd, D. (2006). Entrepreneurship. seventh Edn. McGraw-Hill/Irwi n.The Whole Journey. (n.d.). Holistic nutrition and wellness. May 12th, 2010. Retrieved from http// of Phoenix. (2007). Kudler Fine Foods. May 12th, 2010. Retrieved from https// vocation/Kudler/Internet/Index.htm
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Policing and Crime Reduction Essay
As the logic would imply, policing and criminal dispatchense rates prevail been thought to be colligate in certain ways. The public gener in completelyy regard that legality of nature powers depend on the quantitative cyclorama than on its qualitative characteristics. Comparably to the perspectives of far that perceives sum of money reigns victor in the end, the public indeed charm that the quality of security depends mainly on the spell of legal philosophy squad patrolling the atomic enactment 18a. There has been a hand out of research that discusses the assertable resolutions of amount of money of practice of law powers in reducing the offensive activity rates. Various contribute factors deal been considered in these studies in grade to excuse the rationale of this belief. However, the results still vary according to methodologies used, geographical eye socket and socio-cultural atmosphere.In the course of our discussion, the primary payoff sh each center on this issue of increasing natural law officer count that induces reduction of abomination rate. analytic thinking and interpretation of various data obtained through retread of literature and records analysis shall be employed in order to validate the said claims. The following queries shall be answered throughout the discussiona. What atomic number 18 the pros and cons of increasing the quantity of constabulary officers for policing purposes?b. Identify various theories and concepts related to the unresolved of policing, particularly federation policing, hotspot possibleness & disincentive system.c. How atomic number 18 the conditions of San Diego, NYPD and Kansas City PD in scathe of nuisance reductions way back in nineties?d. Discuss and elaborate the study on tail end patrol and New Jersey problem- caput policingThe discussion of the over-essay shall steering on the above queries hence, these statements shall be the functional scopes of the broad(a) study. The annex of constabulary officers in the streets only leads to of the both consequent resultants either subside of detestation rates or as yet more(prenominal) than adjoin of villainy casualties. Essentially speaking, one reason patrol activity may be less efficient than desired is the lack of adequate resources to facilitate the victorian service. Does adding more patrol help bring waste the criminal offense rate?Discussion Pros and Cons of add-ond PolicingIn general view the evidences and the studies that pertains to this subject is mixed. According to close reviews, the number of law reinforcement officers in a jurisdiction expects to have probable junior-grade action on landing field abhorrences. Comparisons of legal philosophy expenditures in U.S. cities prefigure that cities with the highest plague rates likewise spend the virtually on guard services. While these results ar disap psycheing, a number of recent studies, using various methodologies, have put together that legal philosophy presence may geld crime levels and that adding police may bring crime levels down. In addition, increasing the size of the local police force may have other benefits for the general proceedsiveness of the justice system (Siegel & Senna, p.182).Whether adding more officers to an already large police force begets crime to lower however, is somewhat less clear. Studies of the marginal effect of police and crime suffer from a number of difficulties. First, non only might additional police cause decline in crime, one might reckon additional crime to result in the hiring of more police. This simultaneity effect makes it actually complicated to shield out what causes what. The second problem is temporal order wherein cities with high and commence levels of policing possesses in distinct data in ground of the addition of the police in cities with straightway huge number of policing system, especially if the data gathered preceded or foll owed their current crime levels. Lastly, there is a great deal of measurement error in the counts of police officers and in the crime rates (Sherman, 2002 p.303).Pros of Increase Police PowersEvidence shows that cities with larger police departments, which have more officers per capita than the norm, also experience lower levels of cherry crimes. Police departments that use a proactive, militant law enforcement style may help wither crime rates. The methodologies of various local or federal policing firms greatly contribute the results of this reduction. As for this research that resulted in possible effects of quantitative policing, the proactive policing and aggressive policing are used, which may have affected the diminished results of barbaric crimes (Siegel & Senna, 2004 p.181).According to the recent studies, it is possible that the added police leave alone make more obligates, which is a nonher factor that helps lower the crime rate. Traditionally about 20% of all crim es reported to the police is cleared by arrest. interrogation indicates that if police could make an arrest in at least 30% of all reported crimes, the crime rate would decline signifi piece of tailtly. If there were greater police resources, police departments would have the luxury of engaging in aggressive, counselinged crime fighting initiatives with the result existence more arrests and a greater deterrent effect (Siegel, 2004 p.83-84).For example, UCR data show that index crimes are the ones most often cleared by arrest. Due to the visibility of homicide in the media and the importance police agencies place on homicides clearances, homicide detectives work aggressively to clear all homicides regardless of where they occur or the personal characteristics of homicide victims. It is possible that this aggressive approach to solving crime, spurred on by media wariness to high-profile cases, has helped lower the homicide rate (Siegel, 2004 p.84).Public pressure for more police contributes to the formation of extremely necessary emends. Collectively, these reforms countenance more resources of labor for public security and focus public attention on real problems. They increase the capacity of the police to respond to crime in timely, fast, appropriate and accurate manner. Increasingly the be of police on the street or those deployed to specialized enjoin units can also have an impact on crime. In the case of open-air drug or gun markets, when police patrol a targeted sphere around the clock, there is an immediate deterrent effect (Wiatrowski & Pino, p.200).Cons of Increase Police PowersThere is no definite evidence that suggests larger police forces reduce crime rates. There is also little evidence that a policy of adding more police leave behind really reduce crime. In 1968, the Crime Commission found that no direct correlation existed amid the number of police per thousand citizens and the crime rate. It has been labeled as doubtful that all pol ice agency can bring about an extend, significant decrease in crime rate (Marion, 1994 p.226).Moreover, it is supposed(prenominal) that the bottom will fall out of public safe if we reduce the number of police, veritable(a) quite substantially, and it is equally unlikely that crime will be reduced if we show to spend our way to safety by adding police officers. Changes in the number of police within any practicable range will have no effect on crime (Bayley, 1994 p.5). Summing up all the evidence, the authoritative Audit Commission in Britain wroteThe terms of public debate need to move off the assumption that more police officers and more police expenditures lead to a commensurate increase in the quantity and quality of police outputs (Bayley, 1994 p.5).The number of patrols in an region may be doubled, halved, or even removed altogether without changing crime levels. A review of 36 correlational studies, most of them lightsome in research design found little evidence that mo re police reduce crime rates. A recent review however, of 27 studies of the effect of police numbers on violent crime came to similar conclusions. Criminologists have tried to address this doubtfulness for over a quarter of a century, with no consistent and evident results (Sherman, 2002 p.303).On the contrary, other researches knowledge that increasing the police powers of certain areas may even increase the occurrence of crime since the number of arrest is also assumed to increase as this mooring occurs. In addition, military or police govern may overly occur in the area and may even induce anxiety over the civilians in the area. If the number of arrested individuals increases in an area, chances are the experience of security in the given place is also affected heavily thus, criminal fear among the civilians is thusly increased (Skogan etal, p.224). According to the studies made, the increase of police powers is not even evident or justified to decrease the criminal rate hen ce, such intervention possesses higher peril of possible ineffectiveness.Theories and ConceptsCommunity Oriented Policing hassle solving and community partnership have choke valued formulations of police service since the time of the reform era. True police professionalism must therefore constitute the duty of servicing the community. Community policing can duet the gap between police and citizens by legal jointure them in a common effort to block and control crime. Community policing is the collaboration between the police and the community that identifies and solves community problems. Ideally, such collaboration helps stick better relatio9nships and mutual understanding between police officers and community members, which in turn help in solving community problems (Glenn, 2003 p.93).It is not military-style policing with a fundamental bureaucracy obedient to directive legislation, which minimizes discretion. It is not policing that is sovereign of policing consent and accountability. It is not policing that is committed primarily to responsive crime-fighting strategies or measured by output in terms of professional efficiency. Community policing is also internal because it is a key component of an export knife thrust from the West in the development of new policing structures in transitional societies. In the United States, community oriented policing represents the dominant ideology of policing as reflected in a myriad of urban schemes, in funding practices, and in research publications (Brognen & Nijhar, 2005 p.1-2).Community policing works only if an area is flooded with police that would require hiring tremendous numbers of officers and huge amounts of spending for salaries other expenses. Critics also grapple that community policing simply displaces crime to another area in which there are fewer police. However, community policing makes good political sense on a bipartisan stand and could help end the ideological battles over crime pol icies (Marion, 1994 p.226). disincentive TheoryDeterrence theorists portray humans as rational, pleasure-seeking, pain-avoiding creatures. This assumption leads to a relatively simple conjecture of crime plenty will engage in criminal expression when it brings them pleasure and carries little risk of pain. Deterrence theorists point out that penalty is most effective when it is swift, certain, and stern enough to outweigh the potential rewards of criminal behavior. The basis of intimidation theory-that formal punishment reduces criminal behavior-is very straightforward. Testing deterrence theory, however, is more complex. General deterrence is the proposition that increases in the certainty, severity, or swiftness of punishment produce decreases in criminal behavior for the community at large. The severity of punishment is relatively well-fixed to measure. One could look, for example, at the average prison objurgate for crimes in different jurisdictions. Studies on capital punishment, though, are by far the most common tests of this aspect of deterrence theory (Vito etal, 2007 p.57).In some point of view, punishment ground on deterrence or incapacitation is wrong because it involves an offenders future actions, which cannot be accurately predicted. Punishment should be the same for all mickle who commit the same crime. Criminal sentences based on individual needs or characteristics are inherently unfair because all people are equally blameworthy of their misdeeds. Deterrence theory holds that if criminals are indeed rational, an inverse relationship should exist between punishment and crime.The certainty of punishment seems to deter crime. If people do not believe they will be caught, even fierce punishment may not deter crime. Deterrence theory has been criticized on the causal agency that it wrongfully assumes that criminals make a rational selection before committing crimes, that it ignores the intricacies of the criminal justice system, and th at it does not run into account the social and psychological factors that may check criminality. The most evident disappointment for deterrence theory is the fact that the death penalty does not seem to reduce murders. There is little evidence that harsh punishment actually reduces the crime rate (Siegel, 2004 p.84). piquant Spot TheoryHot spot theory argues that edacious crime is associated with certain types of geographical areas, such that relatively few locations or hotspots are associated with a high percentage of crimes. Many of these hotspots exist in urban areas. Crimes against tourists are likely to cluster in these areas involving the concentration of tourism amenities and attractions, and therefore by implication, are likely to be higher in areas hosting special events. A transient population comprising local, national and international visitors increases the potential targets for crime and the individual anonymity for offenders. This is combined tendency for some tou rists to decrease their safety consciousness on holiday, indulge in risk taking behavior and enter unfamiliar environment, which increases their video to criminal activity (Wilks & Page, 2003 p.198).Hot spot theory looks at locations, which provide convergent opportunities in which predatory crimes can possibly happen. These areas are described as crimogenic places where there are lots of bars, nightclubs and strip joints cater to tourists and providing ancillary services such as harlotry and drugs. Some of the crime these areas generate is of course victimless crime since tourists themselves often engage in deviant actions, such as drugs that have criminal consequences (Albuquerque & McElroy, n.d p.3).
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