Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Thirty Years War essays
Thirty Years War expositions There have been numerous strict wars since forever however upon investigation only occasionally were the wars dependent on upon strict issues. One model was the Thirty Years War, which occurred from 1618-1648 and included the majority of the significant European forces of the time. It has been viewed as a strict war on the grounds that the expansion in strict narrow mindedness and strict contentions was the fundamental driver of the war yet as the war advanced it turned out to be less about religion and increasingly about domain and dynastic issues. The war can be separated into four particular periods ( Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, and Swedish-French) and the general significance of the strict contentions and dynastic aspirations were diverse for every period. Religion was the essential driver of the war during the Bohemian time frame (1618-1625). It is not necessarily the case that some dynastic desire were missing. It began when King Ferdinand a catholic was delegated ruler of Bohemia. Most Bohemians were Protestant and were annoyed with King Ferdinands bigotry with there strict convictions. Lord Ferdinand was a catholic who needed to reestablish Catholicism all through the realm. After two years he became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire which frightened protestants who figured they would lose there strict rights. Due to this Bohemians revolted and dismissed Ferdinand and named Frederick V as lord. Ferdinand budgetary assistance from the Pope, Spanish soldiers and troops from Catholic Bovaria vanquished Fredrick the fifth at White Mountain. Ruler Ferdinand recaptured the Bohemian Throne and re-catholicization of Bohemia started. During the Danish time frame (1625-1629) Religion was a factor in the war anyway the Dynastic desire of Ferdinand and of the lord of Denmark was the essential factor. The King of Denmark at the time was dreadful that the intensity of the Habsburgs where getting to solid. The King additionally needed to grow his domain and oversee the Elbe River. The lord of Denmark ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysing Delegation In Transition To Professional Practice Nursing Essay
Dissecting Delegation In Transition To Professional Practice Nursing Essay Recently enlisted medical attendants or medical attendants returning the workforce face numerous difficulties. One of these issues is assignment. In this article you are required to build up an inside and out and definite comprehension of assignment and how it concern you as a recently enlisted nurture. You should fundamentally investigate the writing to: Characterize assignment and how it applies to the enrolled nurture in the clinical setting Investigate the job of the enlisted nurture comparable to the duty of appointment Break down the connection among responsibility and designation Talk about how designation is diverse to quiet assignment Investigate how proficient skill impacts on appointment with explicit reference to clinical adequacy Examine the relational connections of colleagues when appointing inside a group Presentation Being a recently Registered Nurse involves a great deal of difficulties, how we manage our customers and adequately imparting what their needs are in a multi-social setting gives us these troublesome errands of rendering legitimate and fitting medicinal services. RNs (Registered Nurses) are known to give care from belly to tomb, without inclination to age, sexual orientation, race, religion and status. RNs need to comprehend the significance for them to know by heart, what are the assignments they can delegate to their colleagues since issue could emerge if undertakings are appointed improperly and customers would be the one to endure the results. Designation of exercises will be depended all the more intensely because of diminishing workforce and expanding outstanding burden that is the reason medical attendants ought to see completely the various rules on how one can properly apply appointment in their expert practice. The job of RN in the assignment procedure takes uncommon significance. The autonomous licensee of the RN forces a lawful responsibility with respect to the medical caretaker to the patient/beneficiary of care. This turns into an essential obligation, with the responsibility to different orders or the business being auxiliary. Since the RN is answerable for the act of other lesser gifted authorized or unlicensed nursing faculty (i.e., Enrolled Nurses and Unlicensed Health Care Worker), it is basic that enlisted medical caretakers comprehend the rules and parameters set for designation and preparing. All RNs and birthing specialists must be happy to acknowledge responsibility and duty when undertaking exercises inside their individual extent of training in the wake of considering: enactment or limitation of training, proficient guidelines of training, current proof for training, singular information aptitude and fitness and relevant/hierarchical help for work on [Nursing Board of Victo ria (NBV) 2007]. The duty of the RN wins whatever the work setting or status of business and that legitimate responsibility can't be expelled or expected by another individual or by the business. We can never work alone, in this way we are consistently a piece of a multidisciplinary social insurance group and this is the place the issues of appointment come into place. I. Meaning of appointment and application in clinical setting The Queensland Nursing Council (2005) characterized appointment as giving of expert on an individual to an individual to perform exercises. Similarly, assignment is conferment of power to a person who isn't approved to play out a specific undertaking self-sufficiently yet can do as such under immediate or circuitous management (Nursing Midwifery Board of South Australia 2005). Direct management implies that the RN is really present during execution of the assigned undertaking, watching and controlling the individual who is being administered while roundabout oversight is given when the RN doesn't straightforwardly watch the individual playing out the designated task yet ought to be effectively contactable by telephone or electronic gadgets when the need emerges [Royal College of Nurses, Australia (RCNA) 2005]. Designated assignment can either be new, implying that the appointed undertaking isn't regularly part of their job or set up, which implies that the errand has just been done previously and no adjustment in setting was made [Queensland Nursing Council (QNC) 2005d, sec. D 7.0; Nursing Board of Tasmania (NBT) 2006, pp.5-6]. As a Registered Nurse functioning as a component of the social insurance group, we can't do away of the way toward assigning undertakings to other wellbeing specialists be it to another Registered Nurse (RN), Enrolled Nurse (EN), or an Unlicensed Health Care Worker (HCW). It is both useful to the social insurance group and the customer supposing that appropriately and precisely done, it accelerates the way toward rendering the consideration required by the customer without giving up the nature of care being given. Wellbeing experts ought to consistently recall that designation of assignments are made to ease ones outstanding task at hand as well as are made to meet the customers need and to guarantee that the opportune individual is accessible at the correct time to give the correct consideration to the customer [Australian Nursing Midwifery Council (ANMC) 2007]. There are errands that a RN can't delegate to Enrolled Nurses and Unregulated Health Workers. As indicated by the QNC (2005d, p. 4), care arranging and assignment of exercises from a nursing care plan can't be designated, a few parts of medication organization by Enrolled Nurses which are confined by the board according to the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulations 1996 and errands as characterized by the Nursing Act 1992 to be exclusively select for RNs or maternity specialists. Enlisted medical caretakers reserve the option to explain, approve and bolster their expert judgment when it can't help contradicting a business or chiefs bearing, encourage goals of conflict with a business or administrator and help settle difference whether it is suitable to propel their training through tolerating a designation (QNC 2005c). II. Job and Responsibilities of Nurses in Delegating Tasks Just RNs may appoint nursing acts, capacities or assignments. An enlisted nurture that agent nursing acts, capacities, or undertakings should initially decide if it is inside the RNs extent of training, that the individual is qualified, able and has the important aptitudes to play out the assignment securely, that the RN appointing the errand is accessible to legitimately or in a roundabout way administer the individual and assess the outcome after the designated task was performed and that the RN ought to consistently recollect that lone the undertaking is designated and not a definitive duty and responsibility that goes with it. As expressed in the ANMC (2007), RNs ought to comprehend the necessities for appointment and management of training a case of which is by tolerating assigned errands just in the event that it is inside ones extent of training and by raising worries about improper designation with significant hierarchical or administrative faculty. Exercises assigned by a RN can't be re-designated to another expert or social insurance laborer (QNC 2005a). Enlisted medical caretakers ought to give direction, backing, help and clinically engaged management, guarantee that the individual to whom the appointment is being made comprehends their responsibility and is happy to acknowledge the designation, they ought to think about ones own training, give competency appraisal of the person who will acknowledge the assigned errand and assess the result of the assigned undertaking (ANMC 2007; QNC 2005a). Responsibility goes connected at the hip when appointing errands to other medicinal services faculty. RNs conveys with them a major duty when assigning undertakings to another individual from the group in light of the fact that the RN holds the responsibility and must make sure that the individual to whom the errand is being designated to is capable enough to perform such undertaking so as not to bargain the quality and security of the consideration gave. RNs who delegates medicinal services assignments are responsible to the State where they are enrolled, to their boss, and to their customers for their own activities and choices. The RN must make sure that lone those that can be performed securely to the patient be assigned, and it is important that there is an unmistakable and successful correspondence between the two gatherings. Desires and results are to be set in order to have a definite premise of assessment if the designated assignments are effectively performed to that of the acknowledged degree of standard. Obligation can be assigned to other people so the individual to whom an undertaking is designated to stays dependable of the activity while the responsibility stays with the person who appointed the errand. The free permit of the RN forces a legitimate responsibility with respect to the attendant to the patient/beneficiary of care. This turns into an essential duty, with the responsibility to different orders or the business being auxiliary. Since the RN is answerable for the act of other lesser gifted authorized or unlicensed nursing staff (i.e., Enrolled Nurses, Unregulated Health Care Workers), it is basic that enlisted medical caretakers comprehend the rules and parameters set for assignment and preparing. Obligation can't be appointed a medical attendants enrollment is in danger in the event that the person in question assigns an undertaking improperly. Proper assignment starts with recognizing what abilities can be appointed. There are distrib uted rules which helps nurture in designating undertakings as per the RNs lawful extent of training, a case of these are the five privileges of appointment (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 1995) wherein the central premise of open security ought to be the premise of all choices identified with assignment of nursing exercises can be utilized as a psychological agenda to help medical caretakers explain basic components of the dynamic procedure. The RNs last duty is to assess whether associates played out an assignment appropriately and whether wanted results where figured it out. RNs should utilize the standards of designation to direct them in choosing whether a specific assignment can be appointed or not. III. Standards of Delegatio
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Terrible Traffic
Terrible Traffic Once upon a time, in a land far far away (called New Jersey), a young man fresh out of college would drive 90 miles each way to his new job as a college admissions officer. Occasionally, this young man had a hard time staying awake while on the road, so he would stop at the Woodrow Wilson rest stop around exit 7 to buy soft ice cream cones from Carvel (yum, delicious). While this Carvel ice cream eating young man loved his job, he secretly longed for the day when he would not have to spend 3.5 hours of his life behind the wheel of a car getting to and from the job that he loved. As luck should have it, the day came on July 7th of 2008, and now that same (not as young) admissions officer has a significantly reduced commute! Some days you can find him walking from his home in Cambridge to work which only takes him about 25 minutes. Most days, you can catch him cruising through the streets of Cambridge on his rusty old Mongoose mountain bike which only takes him about 8 minutes (if there is no traffic). In case you are wondering, the admissions officer of whom I speak of is me. In the words of the incomparable sage of Long Beach, Snoop Dogg He is I, and I am him.. Yesterday, there was terrible traffic in the streets of Cambridge the cops were out. .and it was just a mess for me to get back to the job from lunch. Eventually, I made it back to the my office and found that the source of the traffic was none other than MIT ADMISSIONS OFFICERS! My buddies Lauren Avalos and Maura Tierney were waiting in the middle of the street with circus noses for the annual ..pachyderm parade! When I found out that there were elephants in Cambridge, I ran to get some elephant bait to try to lure them closer so that I could hop on and take one for a ride! ..Alas, my efforts were to no avail and no elephants chose to hang out with me over peanut butter sandwiches. Next year, I am going to hang out with Shannon, because, she is clearly more knowledgeable about this whole pachyderm parade phenomenon than I am.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Outcome 1 Business Culture - 1811 Words
Assessment Task 1 Outcome 1 Introduction Alphabet Games small company based in Scotland which develops software and games. The business was formed in 2001 by three companions with a passion to develop games and software which has resulted in it becoming a multi-million pound business. The aim of this case study is to identify four forces which may affect Alphabet Games using a recognised analytical framework. A SWOT analysis is to be carried out in order to analyse and illustrate the relationship Alphabet Games has with the external environment. A set of guidelines for carrying out a SWOT analysis is to be prepared to enable the senior managers at Alphabet games to carry out an effective SWOT analysis. Task A The four forces†¦show more content†¦Social class may affect Alphabet Games as if the games are costly and available in certain areas there might be people that cannot afford them due to unemployment or low income and therefore it would lead to Alphabet Games seeking new markets in other areas or increasing marketing and advertising to increase sales. Alphabet Games may be affected by the primary reference groups as if a teenager is playing a game and they don’t like it then they will tell all there school friends which can result in them not purchasing games from Alphabet Games in case they are not as good as they are said to be. †¢ Technology This will have a major impact on Alphabet Games as it is constantly changing and therefore consumer demands change as a result as they want improved graphics and sound etc. This means that it can be costly for a small business such as Alphabet Games due to the fact that they are forced to keep up to date with modern technology for example Discs replaced video tapes and cassette tapes and may eventually become obsolete as more USB memory sticks are becoming cheap and readily available and used for downloading games, videos and music from the internet. As technology is changing the staff capabilities also change as it is new to them and therefore there might be a need for costly staff training to enable them to operate it efficiently. TASK B - SWOT Analysis StrengthsShow MoreRelatedLeadership Strategy : A Critical Activity For Growth And Success Of An Organization834 Words  | 4 Pagesaware that a well-defined business strategy is a critical activity for growth and success of an organization. Many also know that without strong leadership that is collectively working together to achieve goals throughout the organization even the best and boldest strategies will fall short of their fullest potential (Pasmore, 2014). Leadership Strategy provides the roadmap for the development of leadership talent and culture. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Religion Film Analysis - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2542 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/03/19 Category Art Essay Level High school Tags: Film Analysis Essay Did you like this example? Introduction Perception is often defined as the process of how you view the world around you. Organizing, interpreting information starts out from that perception. Perception plays a big part because your reality is determined by your culture, beliefs, and life experiences. Perception also affects the way people communicate with one another. Perception also plays a crucial role in representing war conflict among society and expressing who the good and bad guys are. Religion is also somewhat the primary source in some cases. Whether it being the good guy trying to seek justice in bringing down the bad guy, war is represented in many ways as a resolution to resolve an issue. I also think that religion paves a pathway for society which allows people to have a reason behind their action. This point has shaped peoples personal morals and perceptions as well as the laws to establish societys fundamental ways. Many movies portray religion to interpret messages to their audiences in different ways. The entertainment industry has also played a vital role in representing religious practices and beliefs in a bad way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Religion Film Analysis" essay for you Create order Many films have spirituality and even strictly use religion as their main theme. It provides a sense of guide. Religion has its shares of promoting violence as we can see in four films. Many will argue that the cause on wars is from economic and political reasons. Separating religion out of economic and political motives can reveal so much. In these specific films American Sniper and Three Kings, The Reluctant Fundamentalist, and Inglorious Bastards their cultural changes can be examined through the different representations of war and shows who the good and bad guys. In the legendary film, American Sniper, real-life experiences can express how much of an evolving country America has transformed into. The representation of war in which it is also apparent to show the good and bad guys is also classified here. Americans are often looked upon as self-centered and only concerned about their own people. They had no intentions of befriending the enemy and in this film, it is obvious as to who the enemy is. This film through the eyes of Kyle, presents more of an emotional, brave and violent aspect, while in film Three Kings it contributes more of an adventurous, rebellious, brutal and comical side. The Gulf war which was viewed as an interesting part of modern history does reflect within these cultural changes and can be seen in these films. The two films in a way try to ignore the political stance rather than the military establishment. In John Engelhardts book, The End of Victory Culture he exposes the victory culture of the US propaganda by media and industries, particularly those that are targeted towards cultural growth, and victory cultures decline from the Vietnam War to the present. Engelhardts book argues that the truthful collapse was due to the decline of Americas victory culture. Foreign threats and lack of position understanding have also increased violence. He explains how an array of disconnect since 9/11 plays a big part in change including how dominance, victory, and war are perceived. John Engelhardt argues that the reinterpretation of American culture since World War II relates to the experience of a generation that grew up in the wake of Japanese surrender to present time. Through these movies they explore the cultural values within a nation that has lost its national myth which Engelhardt states that elimination of a less than human enemy was the key to achieving its destiny (). It can be determined that even an observer of American culture would say that that change has been through being more sympathetic to civilians. The concept of befriending another group was completely out the door. Those changes were made by the cultural values, lifestyles and attitude. There seems to be an endless array of conflict because there is a lack of agreement. Within the film Chris Kyle often refers to the bible and God as the center of why he kept his faith. I think the after math of war does in fact traumatize a person which is why I think Kyle struggled emotionally after returning from war. His religious identity may also have been his way of survival. With the number of kills Kyle reportedly recorded he became numb and killing became a norm for him. Since he knew Jesus died on the cross, But I strongly believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible. When I die, God is going to hold me accountable for everything Ive done on earth. I believe the fact that Ive accepted Jesus as my savior will be my salvation, he wrote. But in that backroom or whatever it is when God confronts me with my sins, I do not believe any of the kills I had during the war will be among them. Everyone I shot was evil. I had good cause on every shot. They all deserved to die (). He felt that it was his duty to kill the evil and we can clearly see this through his encounters. He justifies his kills by expressing how they were indeed evil and they deserved to be killed. Using biblical references in some way provided a source of shield and protection over his actions. Kyle did not have to make a big show out of getting down on one knee and praying to show his religious beliefs verbally as anyone Christian would in church, but instead this was a mental act that kept his faith strong. What made American Sniper quite interesting is the fact that it introduced the typical Arab stereotype. When Kyle was on top of a building watching through a high-powered scope there was a young mother and boy walking. Kyle watched as the mother, wrapped in her burqa and hijab, and handed a grenade to the young boy and sent him through towards a squad of American troops. They were seen from his point of view as dangerous and he had to protect his men, so he executed them both. The film shows no empathy towards the woman and child. Kyles viewpoint holds as a way of justification for his actions. To protect his troop, he had to make a choice and pick who was the good and bad guys and remorse was not an option here. In another way the film Three Kings pinpoints a completely different outlook on the representations of war and who are the good guys and bad guys with religion. What Englehardt mentions can be assessed in the film Three Kings. In his online journal he says, The only notable movie to come out of the war, Three Kings, presented the conflict as Vietnam on speed: a war of multiple betrayals and massacres; a war without honor or sense (Dreaming of World War II, living with Vietnam). Because the movie portrays a wild, comical and interesting view the movie presents so much truth. The three men seem to be on an adventure to find the gold but along the way the greed turns into a good deed and sacrifice. At the beginning of the movie tension arises when the civilian children think the American soldiers are there to help, but the parents sense something is wrong because the soldiers barge in looking for something. They are intimidated and afraid and that is something all war troops pose in other countries. They are there to protect their own country and what they sent out to do. In one scene, it was misinterpretation because the Arab soldiers shot the big truck which they assumed was dangerous but instead they realized after busting it with bullets that it contained milk for the civilians. A lot of what the movie presented explains exactly how out soldiers are. Troy did not want to go through with the quest because he knew it would be dangerous, and he felt that he needed to stay alive because of his family. A few examples of American culture were when they used football shaped bombs. Clooney also says something very intriguing stating, no unnecessary shots because we know what they do. He means that the Arab soldiers are known for just shooting carelessly, and we saw this because when the three kings tried to escape with the prisoners a little boy tried to stop the explosives and gasses from when shot at Clooney and his team. The Arabs then shot a bomb and killed the little boy. This shows how because the little boy went against his own people he was killed for trying to help the American soldiers and prisoners he was banished. Another representation of American culture is also the luxurious cars, and how Clooney needed money to give cars, they bought the cars, and how one man was stealing nice jeans. Another interesting point is when troy gets kidnapped by the Arabs and held captive. This explains what Americans go through and what they get themselves into. Interrogation starts when the guy starts questioning Troy about Michael Jackson and why his black skin turned white. The guy says that America makes blacks hate themselves and he blames America for this. He also states that Americans blow up their homes when they come to Iraq and that is how he lost his child, wife and family. This man is basically expressing his truthful thoughts of how other people perceive Americans stating they come there to destroy. They also state how the American reporters do not know exactly what they are recording, they view things for entertainment and a business. The reporter mentions that the industry is about sexual politics, looks, sex, and style. I find it interesting that when Troy gets rescued he hesitates and does not does not kill the guy because everything he stated to him when he was kidnapped really has him thinking. Troys whole perspective is changed now because he sees that these are people too and he had no clue they viewed Americans in such a terrible way that he allows him to live. Through this film we can see how other countries are intimidated by American soldiers because they are trained in weapons, cause interrogation, and invade another country. This film basically starts out as greed but later turned into good deed. Although Clooney and his team was less than 100 feet away from the check in point at the Iraq border point they risked their constitutional rights to save those civilian refugees for the gold and good deed. Soldiers are known for their honor but here Clooney feels good about disobeying the policy to help other people instead of earning a star medal for the gold. The Gold was eventually returned to Kuwait by Iraq, but the American troops were in violation of the American policy for helping the civilians. Although Three Kings advertises more of a dark-comedy yet sympathetic it leans more on a lesson learned. At the same time, it tries to be a film about human nature and how the evil guy and the good guy are at stake. It places war life in a sense of what would you choose your own people or stand up for justice. Since America is known as a moral motivation of liberty and justice for all. It also factors in the Biblical view of human nature and how the concept of sacrifice is the right thing to do. On the other hand, The Reluctant Fundamentalist focuses on the context of debates about U.S multiculturalism after 9/11. Through this film the representation of war is also apparent as to who the good and bad guys are. Whenever the word Muslim comes into play people automatically assume terrorist. In this film a well-educated Princeton Wall Street analyst from Pakistan reveals how 9/11 changed his worldview and opinion. During a conversation with an American journalist investigating the kidnapping of a foreign professor Changez begins to see why he left the US in the first place. They want him to go against his own people to help the CIA. possible fundamentalist because of how he looks racial differences. America is no longer pulling but pushing. Yet hes not particularly religious. But during his stay in America, he begins to act in a way that seems increasingly Muslim-nationalist. So theres an element of him being the reluctant fundamentalist. Changez works for a firm, where he values companies based on their economic fundamentals. As he begins to identify more and more with the employees of the companies that he is valuing, he becomes a reluctant fundamentalist in his inability to continue doing that. an economic boom beginning. fits right in with current debates about the radicalization of young Muslims. Changez is torn between the desire to belong and his fear of the cultural take their toll on Changez life and America soon invades Afghanistan, Changez rejects the American dream altogether, Hamid intentionally leaves open the question of who represents good and who evil in this battle of wills. According to Hamid, The real question is: Will humanity find the empathy we need if we are to live together. Many may question why is an American life more important and why is Changez to blame? His background profile is basically thrown to the side and the American journalist looks at his physical appearance that may fit the what they are looking for. Because Changez is a part of a culture that speaks the Pakistan language they ignore his intelligence but instead use that as a threat. During this time, it seems as if Americans became more cautious and blamed any person that looked different or fit the description after 9/11. In the film a reporter says, violence is used as a tool for social change and because Changez held secret meetings they thought he was behind it. Changez was treated as a terrorist when he was stripped and told to bend over. He felt as if they dehumanized him. He noticed his friends started talking down on Muslims. Americans took different forms on how they reached this event. When an individual is not culturally fit he is judged and labeled as a terrorist or an enemy. As things progress aggression begins to form which interfered with their jobs. Changez was harassed, tires slashed, his familys house was raided, and then suddenly violence came over him. He still carried on his cultural traditions but attending church and. Changez noticed that he is trying to help everyone, but everyone saw it as wrong. He had concluded that money cannot fix everything. His job had told him to get rid of his beard because it intimidated people because they were used to a clean cut. Appearances were important at this point. Changez experience injustice when he was arrested because the police thought he did something wrong when he was the wrong guy. Changez says I have to live in truth which is why he finally decides to go back to his homeland where he felt comfortable and likely accepted by his people. Once home the song lyrics are religious and he wants the lord to hear him out. With no job or no visa he feels that since he could not be himself in another country he would do it in his own country.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Commerce Education and Employability Free Essays
COMMERCE EDUCATION AND EMPLOYABILITY It is commonly agreed that education should aim at ‘holistic development’ of the individual. Further, such development should be in harmony with the society and the nature. To quote the great Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo, education should aim at â€Å"all round development of the personality, which includes education of the sense, body, mind, moral and spiritual education. We will write a custom essay sample on Commerce Education and Employability or any similar topic only for you Order Now †The concepts of ‘all round development of personality’, or ‘holistic development’ include all the aspects of development-intellectual, spiritual, moral, economic, etc. However, some philosophers have defined the economic aims of education. Christopher Winch1; a British scholar says ‘education is broadly, although not exclusively concerned with preparation for life or for particular phase of life’. He gave three aspects to this concept of education, which are ‘fulfillment’, ‘civic participation’ and ‘vocation’ and specifies that the individual conception of education, as they can be found in particular societies at particular time, consists of distinct combination of these different aspects. In order to define the objectives of commerce education, it may be important to go a little into its history. The origin of commerce education can be traced to the 19th century. It started with the teaching of skill based courses of ‘typing’ and ‘book keeping’, to meet the emerging manpower requirements in these areas. With an increase in commercial activities and expansion of banking, insurance, transportation and other related services, the nature and scope of commerce education changed. From a vocational bias in the initial years, the focus changed to providing liberal business education. Some experts even gave different objectives for different stages or levels of education. For example, Prof. Dasgupta (1959) used three different expressions to indicate ‘business education’, at three different levels. At the junior level (higher secondary stage), it was referred to as ‘commercial education,’ covering specific skills programmes; at the first degree stage, the term used was ‘commerce education’, to cover general stream courses for preparing semi professionals and at ‘post graduation’ level, it was termed as ‘Professional Business Education’, with the aim of preparing experts in specific areas. In other words, commerce education, at less than degree level was referred to as ‘commercial education’ or ‘vocational business education’. However, the commonly accepted view at present is that commerce education at higher secondary stage is not merely to satisfy the skill or vocational needs of pupils but provides basic understanding of the various principles, procedures and practices related to business. It also fosters an understanding of the economy, of the community in which activities related to business and industry takes place. It prepares the learners to take up business career. The secondary schools should therefore, provide the students with knowledge of the background of commerce and of the way it affects the life of the community, apart from the commercial knowledge and skills. This integrating approach to the liberal and vocational education has the support of many modern thinkers on education. It is argued that education should turn the people to something he knows well and can do well. Thus, commerce should be taken as both a knowledge subject and a skill subject. The specific objectives of academic stream of commerce education i) To provide knowledge of principles, practices, procedures, etc. bout business, trade and industry and its relationship with the society; ii) To provide basic knowledge of technological tools including computers and its application in business; iii) To develop an understanding of the environment in which we live and undertake various activities relating to business; iv) To develop basic skills needed to undertake different co mmerce related activities; v) to educate learners in different functional areas and develop their basic understanding about the same; vi) To develop right aptitude and qualities for undertaking business and commerce related activities; and vii) to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship and prepare learners to enter into a business career. Linkage with the Industry The present curriculum has been found to be only moderately useful to the industry. In order to make it more useful it is suggested that the students should be exposed to practical knowledge, a) by engaging them on project work, or attachment with industry, and b) establishing interaction with industry through field visits, involving professionals in teaching, and organising lectures by industry experts/successful entrepreneurs. It was generally perceived that the present curriculum offered low degree of opportunities of skill development to the students of commerce As a result, the pass-outs of higher secondary course only have theoretical or conceptual background of various aspects of business and trade. When it comes to the practical knowledge when they are asked to perform an activity, the results are rather poor because the required skills have not been developed in them. This is a common situation, which affects the acceptability of the students by the industry as well as the users of services. The industry looks for skilled people who have a practical exposure to various commerce related activities and possess generic skills like communication skills, problem-solving skills etc. As the present curriculum offers low opportunities of skill development, need for rectifying the position has been strongly felt. Various suggestions received to improve the situation in this regard include organization of field visits, on the job training of the students, improving the infrastructural facilities and provision for establishment of commerce laboratories in the schools. Strengthening linkages Any serious effort to make the commerce curriculum relevant to the industry and increasing its acceptability would require strengthening of linkages between the school and the industry. Various suggestions have been received in this regard, from the responding stakeholders. These are discussed as follows. Firstly, it is strongly felt that organising field visits to business ecommercial establishments etc. would be of great help in exposing the students to the real work of business. For example, the student may be taken to a factory and shown how goods are being manufactured or packaged. This will give them a real feel of the various processes and an opportunity or relating these to what is being taught in the class. This is very important for sustaining their interest in the subject and making them useful to the employers as well as to the society in general. Second, it is suggested that industrial internship, to three to four week’s duration, during the summer vacation (or some other vacations), would be quite helpful in providing the students an opportunity of actually working in an office or in the field environment. Third, the students may be assigned some project work relating to the subject of study. Let us say while teaching the chapter on marketing, the students may be asked to go to their local market and find out which brands of a particular product, say toothpaste or toilet soap are available in a retail outlet; which of these are preferred by a particular class of buyers (say people belonging to lower income group) and why? Further, the schools may regularly organize seminars, workshops and discussions where experts from industry are invited to participate and interact with the students. For example, sharing of experiences by successful entrepreneurs may be of great interest and utility to the student. Fifth, the schools may be encouraged to set up commerce laboratory where the students can practice through charts, models, computer games, exploration on internet, etc. some of the practical aspects of what is taught in the class. Other important suggestions received for strengthening the linkages include making a provision for extensive training of the teachers and inducing industry for adoption of schools so that the course can run efficiently. If the teachers are not trained regularly, they would not be able to impart knowledge and skills about the latest developments in their field. Moreover, the role of teachers is changing fast. They have to work like facilitators, in the present day world of information and fast changing technological and economic environment. Thus, periodic training of teachers is very important for effectively running a course. As regards the strategy for development of linkages, it is agreed enterprises, it is agreed that the industry should be persuaded to cooperate with the schools. Entrepreneurial Values The present curriculum was perceived to be offering low degree of opportunities for development of entrepreneurial values, attitudes and skills. As a result most of the pass-outs were included to look for some wage employment opportunities, after completing their studies. This creates a lot of stress on the already soaring list of unemployed youth in the country and need improvements. The students may be induced towards entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial values, attitudes and skills should be groomed from schools days so that the pass-outs can be prepared to set up their own ventures instead of looking for wage employment to improve the situation, various suggestions. Include organization of field visits, adoption of case study approach, teaching of biographies of successful entrepreneurs, use of small Business Games and Mock stock exchange proceedings for teaching these aspects and bringing change in the orientation of curriculum and textbooks, to incorporate entrepreneurial value and attitudes. Commerce Education needs the infusion of fresh ideas so as to provide a stimulating, supporting and sustaining environment. The Social Context of Education The education system does not function in isolation from the society of which it is a part. Hierarchies of caste, economic status and gender relations, cultural diversity as well as the uneven economic development that characterize Indian society also deeply influence access to education and participation of children in school. But at the same time, globalisation and the spread of market relations to every sphere of society have important implications for education. Business Studies Syllabi and Textbooks The syllabi and textbooks in commerce have been prepared according to the principles of the National Curriculum Framework. 1. The chapter on Social Responsibility of Business discusses how a business unit has to take care of the society of which it is a part. Every business needs to act in a socially desirable manner and respect its employees, the community and the environment in which it operates. Our objective is to sensitise the student to social issues and concerns and the fact that business can do a lot for society, while fulfilling its social obligation. Environmental Protection also forms part of the chapter where conservation and industrial pollution are discussed. Business Ethics is also included to make students aware of ethical and responsible behaviour of a business. This also instills in a student value of personal ethics and standards and a code of conduct which can be applied in personal life also. Interrelationships however between business ethics and individual ethics need to be drawn by the teachers. 2. The global and local perspective and rural development needs to be taken care of. Small Business has been included in the syllabus and covers tiny and cottage industries and assistance to business provided by the government to small business reasons of including this in the syllabus. Rural Development and growth is a priority area and has been given a special emphasis in the latest year plans and all documents pertaining to economic development. In fact, marketers are depending on the rural demand and markets. Examples from rural business have been given throughout the book to sensitise children to the rural aspect of the country. Local perspective needs emphasis as a student is always able to relate to his local surroundings, therefore, local examples are better understood by them. 3. Connecting knowledge to life outside school. The environment in which a business operates forms an important aspect of management. A business unit has to constantly interact with the economic, political, legal and social environment. The business environment is dynamic in nature and examples can be taken from all around us, newspapers, business magazines, business TV programmes and the internet. Management has to respond to all these changes and this chapter has been specially included so that students are aware of what is going on in the economic, political, legal and social environment. A business has to analyse the environment before taking decisions. 4. Projects, activities and case problems have also been included to ensure that learning is shifted from rote methods. Creativity is a value that needs to be fostered. At the end of each chapter projects, activities and case problems have been given. 5. Boxes includes enrichment material taken from newspapers, business magazines and the internet. We hope these will enable students to connect textual knowledge to the business world Students should draw interrelationships between the text and the news in the print and electronic media. The Objective is to give students an idea of what is happening inside a business. 6. We live in an age of unprecedented violence, local regional, national and global. Values of love, cooperation, non violence, peace are universal and need to be emphasized again and again. Social equality and justice is an integral part of peace education. Our chapter on social responsibilities emphasizes social equality and justice but teachers need to revisit the concept and connect it to place in society. The topic on cooperative societies and international business are based on the spirit of cooperation. Cooperation as a value needs to be re emphasized by teachers and then lead the student to imbibe the value of cooperation. International agreements, WTO and GATT are all based in international cooperation. Since management involves doing work systematically and resolving conflict situations, while we are teaching management we can revisit the idea of maintaining peace and harmony within an organization. Coordination of activities ensures harmonious relationships which is what manage motivation which again is related to peace and harmony. The teacher in the class needs to draw interconnections between the text and values of peace and non-violence. This has become almost an essential and moral duty of every teacher. 7. India is a multicultural society and all groups have equal rights to coexist and flourish. In our texts we have tried to give business examples from all regions. When the social environment of business is taught then certain examples can be taken up so that students have a fair idea of the pluralistic society in which we live. 8. Any economic development affects the Financial Market and ultimately every business unit in some way or the other. The role of major financial institutions and banks are becoming prominent in the financial markets. The fluctuations in the capital market are due to a variety of reasons. How the political, economic and social changes affect the markets can be studied, it will be going beyond the textbook. However, students will find it very interesting. These topics are important, current issues and students need to be aware of such topics as they shape the country’s future and economic development. In fact, the whole world is looking at India and China since they are relatively strong economies because of the regulatory mechanisms in the financial markets. Reference 1. www. ncert. nic. in/programmes/teacher_edu/pdfs/Commerce. pdf In Service Teacher Education Manual for Teachers and Teacher Educators in Commerce. 2. Emerging Trends in Commerce and Management, Santosh Gupta, Published in University News41 (05) 2003 3. Recent Trends in Commerce and Management Education, Dr. V. V. Khanzode, Strling Publishers Private Limited. 1990 4. National Policy on Education1986 an Appraisal, DoabaHouse, New Delhi. 1989 5. Commerce and Management Education in India,Ed. K. V. Sivayya,Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi. 1990 How to cite Commerce Education and Employability, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
I Will Walk Like a Man Essay Example For Students
I Will Walk Like a Man Essay In my adolescent life, many obstacles and unexpected occurrences have knocked me down from my high horse. Despite minor setbacks and the problems a person can experience, Ive realized that at the end of the day, the majority of the world does not care. The clock does not stop ticking and the world continue to turn. In order to live a successful life, I have come to the conclusion that every person on this planet experiences downfalls. I just have to put all my problems and fears aside, exert my confidence and walk like a man. In order to walk like a man, a degree of confidence is needed. I have experienced numerous downfalls in my life that have made me crawl into the darkest black hole. This dark hole was like my comfort zone â€Å"a place far away from the stresses of life, school, rugby and family issues. For many years, from around the time I was thirteen years of age, I suffered from an extremely harsh condition â€Å" acne. No matter what medication, Vitamin A pills and expensive creams I used, nothing could remove the large, puss â€Å" filled lumps that infested my arms, back and most importantly, my face. I could not bare talking to a person, as I always noticed how their eyes would wander along my face, acknowledging every toxic lump. I was constantly reminded of my hideous features and immediately felt degraded every day for three years. Being top five of the grade three years in a row and becoming a prefect in the same year, I wondered why I never walked the corridors with my head held high, shoulders back and exerting the confidence I deserved to have. I had a beautiful face and I excelled in everything I did. I remember gazing into the mirror one day and finally accepting myself. Yes, I had impurities and faults, but I had so much to be grateful for. I finally felt comfortable in my own skin. Despite the acne, I decided to walk proudly through the school corridors, for I know that I had nothing to feel ashamed about. Exactly one month passed and my skin, arms and back had completely healed. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. Every person on this plant experiences devastating occurrences, but it is how they handle it that makes the difference. I have experienced numerous setbacks and losses that definitely scarred my being. I stopped seeing my friends, participating in rugby and my school grades dropped dramatically by ten percent. My confidence no longer existed. Confidence is the habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have, Brian Tracy. Despite all my failures, I decided to pretend that I had nothing to feel ashamed about. I started to handle the situation maturely, and finally put my rugby boots on after eleven months. Sometimes, it is how one picks themselves up and realises what they do possess, that gives them confidence to live to their full potential. Walking like a man and exerting confidence in myself, helped me gain respect from the people around me. Obstacles, setbacks, judgemental people and rude remarks bounced off my impenetrable aura. People accept you once you accept yourself. In life, many obstacles and unexpected occurrences have knocked me down from my high horse. I had finally realised my own worth and all my brilliant achievements. I held my head high, my shoulders back, exerted my confidence and walked like a man, for I had every reason to.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald Essay Example For Students
The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald Essay The book which will be studied within this essay is the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The method of narration within the Great Gatsby helped me to appreciate two important aspects of the text theme and symbolism. The author successfully used the development of narration throughout the book in the form of the first person. I found this to be effective because of the narrators (Nick) unbiased stance towards every situation in the book, as he says: I am one of the few honest people I have ever known. There is also a second method of narration used within the book; this is in the form of breaks in narrating. During flashbacks, other voices chare the job of narrating for example; Jordan Baker tells us about the time when Gatsby asked her to help him in his quest to win back Daisy. The plot within the Great Gatsby is quite complex with many intertwining relationships causing the plot to come to an abrupt end. The story is focused around people striving to achieve the American Dream for different reasons which are not always kosher. We will write a custom essay on The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Great Gatsby is about the lifestyles and secrets held among the higher-class society during the 1920s Jazz Age. The book tells of a man named Jay Gatsby whos one obsession in life was to be reunited with Daisy Buchanan. Daisy Buchanan, was Gatsbys first love, however, they had been forced apart by their different lifestyles; Gatsby being of a lower-class compared to a young Daisy. Their love was finally ended when Gatsby left for the war and Daisy married Tom Buchanan (a man seen more fit for her). When he returns from the war his reason for striving to achieve the American Dream was to win back Daisy and give her the life he thought she deserved. For years he waited for her to come to one of his extravagant parties but she never did and this is when he employs Nick and Jordan to help him win her back. This is also when Daisys husband Toms affairs become apparent to the readers. Toms current affair is with a woman called Myrtle Wilson she has a very unhappy marriage. After Myrtle is brought into the story this adds more intensity to the plot. In the end of the book, Myrtle is killed by Daisy in a car accident, however, Myrtles husband George, is told by Tom that it was Gatsby who was driving as he now knows about Gatsby and Daisy (as they had formed a relationship) by this time and now wanted to triumph over Gatsby. George then shoots and kills Gatsby, bringing his dream to an end. The main theme in the book is the sought after American Dream. This is particularly true of the main character Gatsby. He returned from war to find his first love Daisy, had married Tom Buchanan who was in a higher-class of society compared to Gatsby. This was when Gatsby began to exploit all meanings of the American Dream. He truly did come from nothing to being classed as one of the highest members of society. Also, America in the 1920s was shown as being the land of freedom and opportunities which, Gatsby proves can be true if youre prepared to do anything even if it is illegal. However, Gatsbys case of achieving the American Dream was not entirely satisfying because he did not achieve it for the right reasons he did it to get Daisy. Gatsbys life also highlighted the negative sides of the American Dream; one of these is the idea of being alone because of riches making you feel different. This is proved several times for Gatsby within the book. One example is the fact that at his luxurious parties, hundreds of people came whether they had been invited or not. However, at Gatsbys funeral not one came accept his father, who Gatsby had not talked to for years; in fact, Gatsby said all his family were dead so the American Dream made Gatsby want to be alone. .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa , .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa .postImageUrl , .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa , .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa:hover , .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa:visited , .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa:active { border:0!important; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa:active , .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8cb7b305f588f0f245b440249e4baeaa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Paradox of the settings: St. Petersburg the Siberian Prison in Crime Punishment EssayAnother example of Gatsbys solidarity is when Nick sees Gatsby standing alone on his beach and says: he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone. All of the above examples show why I believe the narration of themes within the Great Gatsby plays an effective part in increasing my appreciation of the text because as the narration is in the first person it allowed me to read someone elses opinion on situations in the story. Symbolism plays an important part in the Great Gatsby. It allows the narration within the book to develop in a positive way as it adds variety and c omplexity to the storyline; which made the book more interesting to read and therefore effecting my appreciation of the story. One main symbol within the book is the green light at the end of the Buchanans dock. To Gatsby, the light stood for Daisy and his goal to win her back and gain her love once again it was a symbol of hope. After Gatsby and Daisy are reunited, a mist guards the green light at the end of the dock and Nick interprets Gatsbys thoughts: Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever Now it was again a green light on a dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one. (PAGE100) This quotation shows that now Gatsby has Daisy, she is not as ideal as he had made her seem. To him, having Daisy diminishes all he has ever done; having his full American Dream is not as perfect in reality as he had imagined. A second symbol within the Great Gatsby is the use of names. The use of names within the book effected my enjoyment of the story because this form of narration allowed me to see how a high-class society acts. For example, when Tom and Daisy came to one of Gatsbys parties, Gatsby insisted on showing them around and chose to introduce Tom as the polo player to reduce his status and importance. I think Gatsby did this to show Tom he could compete with him to take Daisy and to show Daisy his lifestyle could please her he was good enough for her now. A second example is when Nick the Narrator, is describing the guests at one of Gatsbys extravagant parties: Women who never know each others names his quotation shows that within this higher-class society everyone is strangers to one another, however, due to reputation and popularity they are all associated together as one group of friends. Lastly, again Nick is narrating the important people at Gatsbys party; Civet, Blackbuck, Beaver this quotation confirms that only people who Gatsby sees as important and status building people are invited to his parties he only wants to be associated with appropriate people for a man of his stature, which I think shows how alone he was in his bid to get Daisy and how much he was willing to sacrifice to get her. Overall, The Great Gatsby, was an intriguing compilation of deceit, lust and love shown through the development of narrative skills in the areas of theme and symbolism. I found the narration within the book effected my enjoyment of it because as it was in the first person I felt the story seemed more personal and realistic; bringing the book to an interesting climax.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Free Essays on Jack The Ripper
The worlds most notorious serial killer was active for only ten weeks, during which time he murdered five victims. Despite the relatively modest body count, his crimes terrorized the most populous city on earth, making headlines around the globe. To this day, Londons unidentified prostitute-killer remains the subject of more books, plays, films and articles than any other felon in recorded history. The mystery of Jack the Ripper opened on the 31st of August 1888, with the discovery of a womans lifeless body on Bucks Row, in the heart of the Whitechapel slums. The victims name was Mary Nichols, known as Polly to her friends, and she had earned her meager living as a prostitute before a final client showed a taste for blood. Her throat was cut, with bruises underneath the jaw suggesting that she had been punched or choked insensible before the killer plied his blade. The medical examiner discovered deep post-mortem slashes on the victims abdomen, with stab wounds to the genitals. The m urder of an East End prostitute was nothing new to Scotland Yard. Detectives had two other cases on the books for 1888, already. Emma Smith had been attacked on April 2, by a gang of four or five assailants, living long enough to offer the police descriptions of her killers. Martha Tabram had been found in Whitechapel on August 7, stabbed 39 times with a weapon resembling a bayonet. Neither crime had anything in common with the death of Mary Nichols, and detectives were compelled to wait for further homicides to indicate a pattern. On September 8, they found their link with the discovery of Annie Chapmans corpse, a short half-mile from Bucks Row. The victim, yet another prostitute, had first been choked unconscious, after which her throat was cut and she was cruelly disemboweled. Her entrails had been torn away and draped across one shoulder; portions of the bladder and vagina, with the uterus and ovaries, were missing from the scene. The Lancet quoted Dr. B... Free Essays on Jack The Ripper Free Essays on Jack The Ripper The worlds most notorious serial killer was active for only ten weeks, during which time he murdered five victims. Despite the relatively modest body count, his crimes terrorized the most populous city on earth, making headlines around the globe. To this day, Londons unidentified prostitute-killer remains the subject of more books, plays, films and articles than any other felon in recorded history. The mystery of Jack the Ripper opened on the 31st of August 1888, with the discovery of a womans lifeless body on Bucks Row, in the heart of the Whitechapel slums. The victims name was Mary Nichols, known as Polly to her friends, and she had earned her meager living as a prostitute before a final client showed a taste for blood. Her throat was cut, with bruises underneath the jaw suggesting that she had been punched or choked insensible before the killer plied his blade. The medical examiner discovered deep post-mortem slashes on the victims abdomen, with stab wounds to the genitals. The m urder of an East End prostitute was nothing new to Scotland Yard. Detectives had two other cases on the books for 1888, already. Emma Smith had been attacked on April 2, by a gang of four or five assailants, living long enough to offer the police descriptions of her killers. Martha Tabram had been found in Whitechapel on August 7, stabbed 39 times with a weapon resembling a bayonet. Neither crime had anything in common with the death of Mary Nichols, and detectives were compelled to wait for further homicides to indicate a pattern. On September 8, they found their link with the discovery of Annie Chapmans corpse, a short half-mile from Bucks Row. The victim, yet another prostitute, had first been choked unconscious, after which her throat was cut and she was cruelly disemboweled. Her entrails had been torn away and draped across one shoulder; portions of the bladder and vagina, with the uterus and ovaries, were missing from the scene. The Lancet quoted Dr. B...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Extended analysis paper on The Rocking-Horse Winner by D. H. Lawrence Essay
Extended analysis paper on The Rocking-Horse Winner by D. H. Lawrence - Essay Example Early in the story the boy Paul has a talk with his mother about money. But the talk is not the usual mother-son conversation that promotes hard work and ingenuity. The mother advocates the avenue of easy money by the use of luck. She carries the definition a step farther as she blurs the line between money and luck. "Filthy lucre does mean money," said the mother. "But its lucre, not luck" (Lawrence). The use of the words filthy lucre interjects an almost obscene sense of money and wealth. The mother continues her idolization of the character trait of being lucky. She insults Pauls father and says "...its better to be born lucky than rich" (Lawrence). She then tells Paul that his own father is "very unlucky" marking him as a failure as a father and a husband. These images are burned into the mind of Paul at this young age and tempers his value system throughout the rest of his short life. The mother has almost no connection with her husband or family. She occupies the house in body but not in spirit. The household had healthy children and a modest income, yet it was squandered by the mothers view of it. Lawrence describes it as "at the centre of her heart was a hard little place that could not feel love, no, not for anybody". It was love that Paul craved and needed, and it was his mothers love that he would spend the story in search of. Because she was distant and disconnected, she would be easily satisfied with material goods, money, and a lust for it. Paul could sense the emptiness in his mother and her need for a husband, luck, and money. Pauls early attempt at fulfilling his mothers needs, and thus replacing the father, is seen in his early experience on the rocking horse. Lawrence describes Pauls quest to satisfy his mothers need for money, luck, and sexual satisfaction. There is a scene where he is furiously riding his rocking horse striking it with a whip that he had gotten
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Escape from Camp 14 by Blaine Harden Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Escape from Camp 14 by Blaine Harden - Essay Example Shin Dong-hyuk has undergone these horrors, which has made him unprepared to live in the contemporary world, finding it difficult to adjust to a totally different environment with freedom. Being psychologically free refers to freedom from attachment and from identifying with anything. In addition, psychological freedom also refers to when an individual is a being, rather than a knowing or a doing. Because of his experiences in prison camp 14, which have resulted in classical symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and Stockholm syndrome, Shin has been unable to gain psychological freedom. Shin Dong-hyuk was born in a North Korean prison camp and lived under harsh and inhuman conditions for the first twenty-four years of his life. This was a period material, physical, and emotional deprivation for Shin, who underwent physical abuse and torture before making a successful escape from the prison camp (Harden 12). However, he escaped with scars consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder, such as flashbacks, nightmares, and panic attacks, which have denied him psychological freedom. Although he has received treatment for his posttraumatic stress disorder, he still finds himself in the grip of anger and fear, while he does not want to be alone with his thoughts for a long time because they trouble him (Harden 14). Shin has been unable to attain psychological freedom because of his trauma’s fundamental psychological effect, which is the shattering of his innocence. His experiences in prison camp 14 have led him to lose faith in any meaning, predictability, and safety in the world or any safe place that he can retreat to, including his family, which reinforces his feeling of isolation (Harden 167). His body or mind did not process his traumatic experiences at the prison camp, unlike other experiences. This is most likely due to their shocking and overwhelming
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Brand Positioning Of The Organization Marketing Essay
The Brand Positioning Of The Organization Marketing Essay Brand equity is the intangible asset that the consumer associates with a product. We can determine it through financial impact of the product, brand extensions and consumer attitude. Zara garments were not designed and manufactured to be highly durable or classic clothes that would always be in style. They are described as clothes to be worn ten times and yet they contributed more than 70% of the Inditex group sales. This is a vital statistic considering that Inditex group owns seven other fashion brands. With regards to brand extensions the Zara brand was successfully used to launch Zara Home in 2003. Zara Home was well received and has grown internationally to have a presence in 23 countries and 250 stores (Matassa, 2008). Additionally Zaras strong brand equity can be manifested through its consumers attitude. This is clearly shown by Zaras global average of 17 visits per customer per year compared to the three visits per year received by its competitors. That is an avowal of huge brand loyalty. Brand positioning refers to the targeted consumers preference to buy your brand instead of others. Zara has been able to carve out its own niche through cost leadership as the high-end fashion product at a reasonable price. If we compare Zaras prices to those of its major competitors such as Benetton, Gap and HM it is far cheaper yet as fashionable. Zara has been able to develop a sustainable competitive advantage through its shortened supply chain response that enables it to consistently move a design from conception through to production then into its distribution centers in as little as three weeks. This has largely contributed in setting Zaras service apart from its competitors. In fact, 75% of the merchandise in an average Zara store is changed over duration of three to four weeks. Zara customers are therefore aware that if they spot a garment they like, they have to go and purchase it on the spot because it might not be there on their next visit. Discuss the brand strategy of the organization From Zara we can identify the broad strategies applied to strengthen the brand being as follows: the marketing mix, its people, short lead times and scarce supply. However, that is not to say that the Zara brands success lay solely on the mentioned factors. The organization as a whole has been able to clearly-define its brand values and allowed them to permeate throughout the entire organization. Zara has a distinct ownership for management of the brand right from the top management level. This has meant that critical activities such as sales, operations, customer service, product development and others are made use of in supporting the whole organizations strategic management process (Kotler Armstrong, 2009). The marketing mix is represented by the traditional 4Ps: product, price, place and promotion. With regards to product, the Zara strategy has been to anticipate the latest fashion in apparel and to produce them before other competitors. Secondly, the garments are manufactured to be non-durable so as to prompt the consumer not to store them in their wardrobes but to wear them and to visit Zara shops frequently for replenishment. Thirdly, the company ensures that its stores have a wide variety of products because each store receives new products at least twice per week. Clothes that have low demand are quickly spotted, removed and replaced by new trendier designs such that customers are always spoilt for choice. This product appeal is increased by the lower price that Zara charges in comparison to competing brands such as Gap, Benetton and HM. Zara has been able to use its low cost leadership as a sustainable competitive advantage to strengthen its brand positioning. The company operates using a vertical supply chain which covers all phases of the fashion process from design to manufacture to logistics to distribution and finally to its own retail stores (Matassa, 2008). The price attribute of Zaras products is lowered here by the fact that the company can minimise its inventory costs through use of just-in-time manufacturing. Also, the fact that Zara owns 90% of its retail stores implies that it is able to make the 50-60% gross margins that retailers make. This increases profitability for the brand which helps to sustain the low prices offered. The other component of the marketing mix that Zara uses well within its brand strategy is place. Here we encounter two very key considerations, the location of its stores and the distribution system being utilised. Zara stores are deliberately located on the best-known streets in a selected citys prime retail district. This is to make the brand visible to as many of its targeted market as possible while lowering the need for traditional advertising. According to Schewe and Hiam (1998) place also covers aspects such as market coverage, logistics and distribution and service levels. Zara has a high-tech distribution system with distribution centers centrally located from its manufacturing plants. Different stores are also supplied with different products depending on their requirements and assessed demand. The efficiency of the distribution system is so high that along the entire Zara supply chain it is difficult to find inventory. Products flow quickly, and without stopping, from fact ories to distribution centers to stores, where they are put immediately on the sales floor. This distribution system is heavily reliant on Zaras effective communications and information technology infrastructure. When it comes to the final P of marketing, promotion we witness one of the biggest differences between Zara and its competitors. Zara spends approximately 0.3% of sales on advertising while its competitors spend on average 3 4% of sales on advertising. The company prefers its marketing promotion to be done by word of mouth and from the appeal of its stores. Word of mouth has proved to be more effective for Zara than advertising or using celebrities has been for its competitors. Zara stores are laid out to dazzle. The store racks, the window displays and store layout are designed and tested at the headquarters in La Coruna before being deployed to all stores. This is done every four to five years. To ensure consistency the team from La Coruna is the one that does the redesigning at all company-owned stores. This is meant to attract customers inside the stores, and once in to display the fabrics, colors and designs to the best effect. The company also has a stylish and modern website from where customers can view or download the latest Zara catalogue. Other factors that we had mentioned earlier that Zara utilizes to enhance its brand equity and positioning are its short lead times and scarce supply of apparel. Small and frequent shipments keep product inventories fresh and scarce thus compelling customers to frequent the store in search of whats new and to buy now because next time they come they will not find that item. This is one of the core reasons why globally Zara has an industry high average of 17 visits per customer per year compared to three visits per customer per year for its competitors. The short lead times for products from factory to store sales floor ensure that Zara is able to react quickly to fashion trends. This differs from the method preferred by its competitors. Most fashion brands prefer predicting fashion to reacting to fashion. Reacting to fashion trends is less likely to fail than predicting if one is able to deliver the products while the demand still exists. Zara has perfected this ability as evidenced by its new products failure rate of 1% which is much lower than the industry average of 10%. Finally, Zara empowers its staff and has established a strong brand culture e.g. decision-making is encouraged among its young designers and bad decisions are not severely punished; store managers, product managers and commercials work together to ensure that stores are supplied with the correct products and quantities etc. Seller-customer intimacy is also encouraged so that the store managers are made aware of the customer preferences and tastes which could be used in coming up with new products. Problem The major problem with Zaras brand strategy would be its persistence with a centralized distribution system especially when we consider that the brand is rapidly expanding across the globe. Though the company has an effective distribution system, this foray into new markets in Asia, Latin America and the United States is bound to add complexity and also increase cost if Zara insists on relying on its original hub in Spain. A centralized distribution system will not effectively cope with the rapid expansion and different needs of the new markets. It would probably be more prudent if Zara establishes new production and distribution centers in these far away markets such as the US, Asia and Latin America. Recommendations The first recommendation is as we have stated above, Zara will need to decentralize its distribution system to these new geographical markets. This will not only increase efficiency in delivery but also aid Zara in maintaining its competitive edge of short product lead times from design to manufacturing to retail sales. Secondly the existing distribution centers in Europe are being overwhelmed by the rapid increase of the number of stores being opened. To prevent these distribution centers from becoming bottlenecks, Zara will have to establish more distribution centers to cater for its expanding European market. Thirdly, a foray into the markets in Asia and America would have to be carefully considered because of the huge cultural differences, especially with regards to Asia. Income levels could be going up within Asia but that does not translate necessarily into a market for fashion.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A Poison Tree Poem by William Blake
Honors English IV December 11, 2009 The theme of â€Å"A Poison Tree†by William Blake is about wrath and anger. If one were angry with a friend, that wrath would eventually subside; if one were angry with a foe, however, and if left unchecked or left to simmer that anger would not subside and would grow. His poem offers insight into what anger does if one â€Å"watered it in fears, / Night and morning with [their] tears; / and sunned it with smiles, / and with soft deceitful wiles†(547 l. -10 Wood). The poem is appropriate for Songs of Experience and not Songs of Innocence because it portrays something that children do not do: seethe with anger for a long period of time. Children forgive and forget easily, adults do not. Adults tend to hold grudges and seethe with anger until something interrupts it or changes it, but children have simpler minds and thus simpler aspects of anger that may not last a long time.The themes and images of â€Å"Composed upon Westminster Br idge, September 3, 1802†by William Wordsworth classifies him as a typical Romantic poet of his time. Wordsworth shows only the beauty of London and uses simple language to get his point across. The major theme of the poem is nature, and he only shows the beauty of the landscape, not the destitution and filth that truly was London during the Industrial Revolution.Wordsworth transfigures the truth with his imagination, saying that everything was â€Å"all bright and glittering in the smokeless air†(560 l. 8 Wood) when really the city was ridden with pollution and smog. Wordsworth also shows and absolute sense of awe for the beauty of what he is seeing, and turns away everything that is â€Å"ugly†about it. Wordsworth sees only the beauty of looking from a bridge in the morning and turns away all the bad things related to the people of the area, a characteristic of a Romantic.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Organisational System Security Internet Security Issues Essay
Adware – Is a software which you get when you have downloaded a different program or software for free or at a reduced price. Its main purpose is to download adverts to your computer screen when you visit websites. Adware is seen by a developer as away to recover costs of making software. But to the general user adverts on there monitor are annoying because it puts them off of what there doing and they have to close every advert down manually. Blackhat – Is a name given to a hacker whose purpose is to access data with out permission and to damage it or change it. Blackhat hackers can do this for arrange of reasons to make profit or as a hobby. They may also send other users viruses, internet worms or spam them. This type of hacker is known as the bad guy in the computer world. Botnet – Is a software robot, when a spammer sends out viruses to general users a Bot is attached to it. Once the spammer has control of the infected computers then they will have to purchase a Botnet which then lets them operate the controlled computers, then the spammer will send out a message to the computers cause them to send spam to mail servers, resulting in users opening up there mail will have tons of junk. Denial of service – Is an attack which leaves users with out use of the services of a website which they would normally use. The DoS attack does not normally mean the controller of it has stolen information, but has cost the company which it has targeted money and time. This can cause users that use that company’s website to purchase what they want from another website meaning that company’s business rivals are making money from the DoS attack on them. Exploit – Is a software which contains commands that take advantage of a computer system with weak security, the purpose of an exploit is to give a user more privileges on a computer system allowing them to access more data which was previously restricted from them. A weakness in the exploit is that it stops running when a newer version of the software is installed. Keylogger – Is a device which you can get as software or hardware it is connected or installed inside your keyboard. Its function is to log in keystrokes. There are many different reasons why we may use this such as helping fix computer system errors or seeing how an employee users there keyboard to see if there good at there job. You can purchase Keylogger’s off the internet. Malware – Is a software, its task is to damage a computer system such as to give a computer system a virus. Malware gets its name from the beginning of the word malicious and the ending of the word software. Malware’s include arrange of harmful programs such as computer viruses, worms, Trojans, rootkits and sometimes adware. Packet sniffing – Is a software or hardware which is used to analyze traffic that is passing through over a network. The packet sniffer checks each packet then decodes them so that they can be analyzed, to check there content. The analyzing is useful for finding out network problems, monitor network usage from users and debug client and network protocols. This will help maintain a network. Phishing – Is a term given that is a breech of security by a hacker. Such as attempting to acquire sensitive information on other computer users like there usernames, passwords and credit card information. The hackers target popular websites such as eBay, MySpace and PayPal. They get hold of user’s personnel information by sending fake emails pretending to by your bank. Piggybacking – Is a computer word which refers to a user connecting there laptop or computer to another persons internet connection. Then using the internet without the permission of the owner of the internet connection. But if you own a cafà © and have a hotspot this is not considered piggybacking because you have given permission to people to use your hotspot to connect to the internet. Spyware – Is a computer software that is secretly installed on to your computer and can take control over something’s that you do on it. It can install software which you did not want on your computer also it can make you go on websites that you did not click to go on and it could led you to harmful viruses that could affect your computer. When turning off your computer spyware can even change your computer settings. Trojan – A Trojan is a computer virus that appears on your computer designed to cause your computer harm. It has been know to be similar to a worm. Some Trojans may not cause harm to your computer but the six main types of Trojans are ones that cause remote access, data destruction, download, get on to a server, anti – viruses software disabler and denial of service attack. Whitehat – Is the name given to a hacker, who’s purpose is to prevent a breech of security within a company or organization. They are normally employed by a company to protect against there counterparts blackhat hackers who want to hack and steal information and data that does not belong to them. In the computing world the Whitehat hacker is know as the good guy. Worm – Is a computer program which sends copies of its self to networks, designed to cause harm to the network that they have targeted. It likes to eat up the bandwidth used on the network. Worms can also cause serious harm and damage to a computer operating system by attacking the weak parts of the computer. Zero-day Attack – Is a threat to computers, by trying to take control of computer applications that are unknown or patchfree. The attacker that controls the zero-day attack normally sets it up on a public forum because of the number of users that it could affect. Zombie – Is a computer that has been attached to the internet by a computer hacker. The owners of zombie computers do not know that there computers have be compromised. They are normally used as part of a botnet, but while they have been put in zombie mode the hacker can use other user’s computers to send Trojans or other harmful viruses. Resources Adware Blackhat Botnet Denial of service,,sid92_gci213591,00.html Exploit Keylogger Malware Packet sniffing Phishing Piggybacking Spyware Trojan Whitehat Worm Zero-day Attack Zombie
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Descriptive Essay A Watery Escape - 880 Words
A watery escape Homeowners often find themselves in a position where they are happy with the way their home looks, yet, wondering at times if there is something to be added or modified. Many things can come to mind when you find yourself in this predicament, and some may ponder the possibility of their own ideas. I would like to take a moment to inject an idea of improvement to your home that you may not have thought of. My suggestion to you is; a pond. Yes, it sounds extravagant, doesn’t it? Well I’m here to tell you that it is not too far-fetched of an idea. I will use this moment of your time, in six easy steps, to show you just how easy it is to create your very own watery escape. Your first step is to decide the appropriate location to break ground. The pond can be in just about any place within your property lines, and it may be any size you choose. You must remember, however, that the bigger the pond, the more expensive it will be. This is mainly due to the fact that you will need a larger pond liner and a more powerful pump. I recommend using a can of spray paint to sketch an outline on the ground of the general shape and size you want the pond to be. Now that you have decided on a location and how large to build your pond, the second step is to make a selection of construction materials based on these dimensions. You will need to purchase a pond liner that will cover the complete volume of your pond. Use your spray paint outline to measure width, length and depth.Show MoreRelatedessay on dickins journey to niagra3989 Words  | 16 Pagesand, from its unfathomable grave arises that tremendous ghost of spray and mist which is never laid, and has been haunting this place with the same dread solemnity--perhaps from the creation of the world (Letters 3: 210-11). In this essay, I analyze Dickenss reaction to Niagara Falls in the context of other British travel narratives from the previous decade, and examine how Niagara speaks to Dickens of life after death (as he describes it above, the falls die and then rise again inRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesprobable good consequences of each action and the probable bad consequences while weighing the positive and negative impact of each consequence. It’s a kind of cost-benefit analysis. Exercises 1. Columbus Day is an American holiday. Write a short essay that weighs the pros and cons and then comes to a decision about whether there should be more or less public celebration (by Americans and their institutions) on Columbus Day, October 12. Here is some relevant background information to reduce yourRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pagesillustrated the meaning and use of words; the great majority of the examples are due to him. Their merit is that they are not translations from English, but natural Igbo sentences elicited only by the stimulus of the word they illustrate. The short essays which appear from time to time (e.g. under otà ¹tà ¹, à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤gbanÌ„je) on aspects of culture are also his work, as are the sketches which served as basis for the illustrations, a large number of new words, and various features of the arrangement. When he had
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